Statistic Data about my Blog and activity

Statistic Data about my Blog and activity

Here is some raw statistical information about my blog activity and the number of post per year.

These numbers are updated with a not well established frequency, therefore the data for the current year could not be accurate.

Statistic Data about GitHub Activity

Luca's activity on GitHub

I’ve also an account on Gitlab, check there.

Statistic Data about this Blog

Quick jump to the years

Select one of the following links to quickly jump to the corresponding year:

2024 (work in progress)

69 total posts have been written on 2024. There have been 25 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • perl (46 posts)
  • raku (33 posts)
  • perlweeklychallenge (31 posts)
  • python (30 posts)
  • java (28 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (17 posts)
  • postgresql (17 posts)
  • mojolicious (3 posts)
  • pljava (2 posts)
  • pgagroal (2 posts)
  • linux (1 posts)
  • clang (1 posts)
  • distzilla (1 posts)
  • emacs (1 posts)
  • ansible (1 posts)
  • dbiclass (1 posts)
  • zammad (1 posts)
  • kubuntu (1 posts)
  • zsh (1 posts)
  • shibboleth (1 posts)
  • llvm (1 posts)
  • debian (1 posts)
  • nginx (1 posts)
  • privacy (1 posts)
  • pgenv (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2024 post ratio by month:
    2024 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2024 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2024 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2024-07-15 at 14:31


103 total posts have been written on 2023. There have been 25 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • perl (55 posts)
  • raku (45 posts)
  • perlweeklychallenge (43 posts)
  • postgresql (31 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (31 posts)
  • emacs (6 posts)
  • linux (4 posts)
  • pgagroal (3 posts)
  • oracle (3 posts)
  • pgenv (2 posts)
  • ssh (2 posts)
  • windows (2 posts)
  • microsoft (2 posts)
  • kde (2 posts)
  • java (1 posts)
  • plasma (1 posts)
  • cryfs (1 posts)
  • freebsd (1 posts)
  • sqlite (1 posts)
  • ansible (1 posts)
  • systemd (1 posts)
  • libreoffice (1 posts)
  • programming (1 posts)
  • pgbackrest (1 posts)
  • docker (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2023 post ratio by month:
    2023 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2023 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2023 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2024-01-08 at 11:22


103 total posts have been written on 2022. There have been 31 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • perlweeklychallenge (53 posts)
  • raku (53 posts)
  • perl (47 posts)
  • postgresql (26 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (25 posts)
  • linux (10 posts)
  • pgagroal (6 posts)
  • emacs (5 posts)
  • java (5 posts)
  • oracle (5 posts)
  • freebsd (3 posts)
  • pgenv (3 posts)
  • programming (2 posts)
  • openbsd (2 posts)
  • shell (2 posts)
  • plasma (1 posts)
  • zsh (1 posts)
  • eclipse (1 posts)
  • git (1 posts)
  • university (1 posts)
  • donations (1 posts)
  • cvs (1 posts)
  • c (1 posts)
  • kde (1 posts)
  • pgbadger (1 posts)
  • gnome (1 posts)
  • php (1 posts)
  • jekyll (1 posts)
  • pgmoneta (1 posts)
  • vitualbox (1 posts)
  • sqlite3 (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2022 post ratio by month:
    2022 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2022 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2022 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


134 total posts have been written on 2021. There have been 47 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • raku (56 posts)
  • postgresql (44 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (42 posts)
  • perlweeklychallenge (29 posts)
  • perl-weekly-challenge (20 posts)
  • freebsd (11 posts)
  • linux (10 posts)
  • openbsd (9 posts)
  • oracle (8 posts)
  • emacs (7 posts)
  • java (4 posts)
  • programming (4 posts)
  • kde (3 posts)
  • pgbackrest (3 posts)
  • pgenv (2 posts)
  • backup (2 posts)
  • doas (2 posts)
  • php (2 posts)
  • firefox (2 posts)
  • perl (2 posts)
  • jekyll (2 posts)
  • org-mode (2 posts)
  • wget (1 posts)
  • spacemacs (1 posts)
  • projectile (1 posts)
  • borg (1 posts)
  • sql (1 posts)
  • eclipse (1 posts)
  • xz (1 posts)
  • git (1 posts)
  • linuxday (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2021 post ratio by month:
    2021 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2021 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2021 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


108 total posts have been written on 2020. There have been 53 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • raku (45 posts)
  • perl-weekly-challenge (36 posts)
  • postgresql (28 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (27 posts)
  • linux (13 posts)
  • java (9 posts)
  • oracle (7 posts)
  • perl (6 posts)
  • freebsd (5 posts)
  • kde (4 posts)
  • blog (4 posts)
  • planet-kde-org (3 posts)
  • docker (3 posts)
  • eclipse (3 posts)
  • php (3 posts)
  • programming (2 posts)
  • sql (2 posts)
  • smart-working (2 posts)
  • itpug (2 posts)
  • ssd (1 posts)
  • kubuntu (1 posts)
  • university (1 posts)
  • catalyst (1 posts)
  • swap (1 posts)
  • microsoft (1 posts)
  • git (1 posts)
  • opensource (1 posts)
  • multithreading (1 posts)
  • systemd (1 posts)
  • ruby (1 posts)
  • hibernate (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2020 post ratio by month:
    2020 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2020 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2020 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


68 total posts have been written on 2019. There have been 34 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • postgresql (33 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (31 posts)
  • freebsd (10 posts)
  • linux (10 posts)
  • misc (5 posts)
  • microsoft (4 posts)
  • perl (4 posts)
  • java (3 posts)
  • kde (3 posts)
  • rant (3 posts)
  • be-a-professional (2 posts)
  • hibernate (2 posts)
  • systemd (2 posts)
  • kubuntu (2 posts)
  • perl5 (2 posts)
  • pgenv (2 posts)
  • opensource (2 posts)
  • blog (2 posts)
  • planet-kde-org (1 posts)
  • sudo (1 posts)
  • interview (1 posts)
  • anydesk (1 posts)
  • captive (1 posts)
  • ansible (1 posts)
  • raku (1 posts)
  • hacktoberfest (1 posts)
  • solaris (1 posts)
  • redhat (1 posts)
  • github (1 posts)
  • linkedin (1 posts)
  • git (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2019 post ratio by month:
    2019 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2019 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2019 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


47 total posts have been written on 2018. There have been 26 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • postgresql (27 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (20 posts)
  • itpug (16 posts)
  • perl (5 posts)
  • raku (5 posts)
  • git (4 posts)
  • perl6 (4 posts)
  • java (3 posts)
  • pgenv (3 posts)
  • github (3 posts)
  • python (3 posts)
  • hacktoberfest (2 posts)
  • linux (2 posts)
  • freebsd (2 posts)
  • emacs (2 posts)
  • perlbrew (1 posts)
  • pljava (1 posts)
  • kde (1 posts)
  • sqitch (1 posts)
  • development (1 posts)
  • sqlite (1 posts)
  • php (1 posts)
  • opensource (1 posts)
  • conferences (1 posts)
  • programming (1 posts)
  • perlsphere (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2018 post ratio by month:
    2018 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2018 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2018 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


158 total posts have been written on 2017. There have been 61 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • perl (53 posts)
  • postgresql (32 posts)
  • programming (27 posts)
  • raku (18 posts)
  • programmazione (11 posts)
  • linux (9 posts)
  • kde (9 posts)
  • itpug (8 posts)
  • planet-perl-ironman (8 posts)
  • emacs (7 posts)
  • riflessioni (7 posts)
  • java (6 posts)
  • opensource (5 posts)
  • git (5 posts)
  • perl5 (4 posts)
  • eclipse (4 posts)
  • shell (4 posts)
  • università (3 posts)
  • php (3 posts)
  • kubuntu (3 posts)
  • perl6 (3 posts)
  • digikam (2 posts)
  • development (2 posts)
  • blog (2 posts)
  • gnome (2 posts)
  • fossil (2 posts)
  • freebsd (2 posts)
  • perlsphere (2 posts)
  • freedos (2 posts)
  • carmensita (2 posts)
  • zmv (2 posts).

    The following is the overall 2017 post ratio by month:
    2017 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2017 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2017 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


83 total posts have been written on 2016. There have been 28 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • postgresql (14 posts)
  • pgday (12 posts)
  • perl (9 posts)
  • itpug (9 posts)
  • riflessioni (9 posts)
  • programmazione (5 posts)
  • emacs (5 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (4 posts)
  • planet-perl-ironman (4 posts)
  • kde (4 posts)
  • opensource (3 posts)
  • carmensita (3 posts)
  • eclipse (2 posts)
  • arco (2 posts)
  • trasporti (2 posts)
  • kubuntu (2 posts)
  • hacktoberfest (2 posts)
  • haiku (1 posts)
  • viaggi (1 posts)
  • università (1 posts)
  • no-shave-november (1 posts)
  • kdevelop (1 posts)
  • php (1 posts)
  • uefi (1 posts)
  • linux (1 posts)
  • lisp (1 posts)
  • falcon (1 posts)
  • java (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2016 post ratio by month:
    2016 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2016 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2016 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


46 total posts have been written on 2015. There have been 21 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • postgresql (14 posts)
  • perl (11 posts)
  • itpug (11 posts)
  • planet-perl-ironman (8 posts)
  • programmazione (7 posts)
  • riflessioni (7 posts)
  • cpan-pr-challenge (6 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (5 posts)
  • pgday (5 posts)
  • kde (3 posts)
  • freebsd (3 posts)
  • kubuntu (2 posts)
  • carmensita (2 posts)
  • opensource (1 posts)
  • divertimenti (1 posts)
  • openbsd (1 posts)
  • emacs (1 posts)
  • planet-kde-org (1 posts)
  • opensolaris (1 posts)
  • qt (1 posts)
  • dataflex (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2015 post ratio by month:
    2015 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2015 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2015 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


70 total posts have been written on 2014. There have been 22 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • postgresql (29 posts)
  • itpug (23 posts)
  • opensource (14 posts)
  • perl (7 posts)
  • emacs (6 posts)
  • riflessioni (4 posts)
  • divertimenti (3 posts)
  • kde (3 posts)
  • programmazione (3 posts)
  • freebsd (2 posts)
  • planet-postgresql-org (2 posts)
  • carmensita (2 posts)
  • eclipse (1 posts)
  • qt (1 posts)
  • devops (1 posts)
  • kubuntu (1 posts)
  • windows (1 posts)
  • pgday (1 posts)
  • università (1 posts)
  • linux (1 posts)
  • java (1 posts)
  • pets (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2014 post ratio by month:
    2014 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2014 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2014 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


83 total posts have been written on 2013. There have been 33 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • postgresql (14 posts)
  • freebsd (11 posts)
  • divertimenti (11 posts)
  • opensource (10 posts)
  • emacs (10 posts)
  • riflessioni (10 posts)
  • programmazione (8 posts)
  • linux (7 posts)
  • perl (6 posts)
  • kde (6 posts)
  • itpug (5 posts)
  • pgday (4 posts)
  • trasporti (4 posts)
  • c (2 posts)
  • java (2 posts)
  • eclipse (2 posts)
  • matrimoni (2 posts)
  • git (1 posts)
  • pcbsd (1 posts)
  • gmail (1 posts)
  • openbsd (1 posts)
  • pfsense (1 posts)
  • kmail (1 posts)
  • kernel (1 posts)
  • pets (1 posts)
  • arco (1 posts)
  • qt (1 posts)
  • dataflex (1 posts)
  • planet-emacsen-org (1 posts)
  • mysql (1 posts)
  • gnome (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2013 post ratio by month:
    2013 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2013 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2013 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


95 total posts have been written on 2012. There have been 39 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • freebsd (19 posts)
  • programmazione (14 posts)
  • linux (13 posts)
  • opensource (10 posts)
  • riflessioni (10 posts)
  • postgresql (9 posts)
  • kde (8 posts)
  • qt (8 posts)
  • emacs (7 posts)
  • java (5 posts)
  • pgday (4 posts)
  • research (4 posts)
  • pcbsd (4 posts)
  • php (3 posts)
  • freenas (3 posts)
  • c (3 posts)
  • shell (2 posts)
  • lisp (2 posts)
  • jfk (2 posts)
  • git (2 posts)
  • perl (2 posts)
  • kdevelop (2 posts)
  • opensolaris (2 posts)
  • università (2 posts)
  • icaors (1 posts)
  • ieee (1 posts)
  • aspectj (1 posts)
  • planet-kde-org (1 posts)
  • gnome (1 posts)
  • whitecat (1 posts)
  • rcp (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2012 post ratio by month:
    2012 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2012 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2012 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


110 total posts have been written on 2011. There have been 43 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • programmazione (33 posts)
  • java (21 posts)
  • linux (14 posts)
  • qt (13 posts)
  • riflessioni (11 posts)
  • postgresql (11 posts)
  • freebsd (10 posts)
  • opensource (8 posts)
  • kde (7 posts)
  • eclipse (6 posts)
  • jsf (5 posts)
  • maven (5 posts)
  • opensolaris (5 posts)
  • git (4 posts)
  • gnome (4 posts)
  • pgday (4 posts)
  • università (3 posts)
  • research (3 posts)
  • whitecat (2 posts)
  • windows (2 posts)
  • divertimenti (2 posts)
  • pcbsd (2 posts)
  • jfk (2 posts)
  • perl (2 posts)
  • openbsd (1 posts)
  • aglets (1 posts)
  • sicurezza (1 posts)
  • flap (1 posts)
  • svn (1 posts)
  • rcp (1 posts)
  • wtp (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2011 post ratio by month:
    2011 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2011 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2011 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


124 total posts have been written on 2010. There have been 31 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • java (38 posts)
  • eclipse (26 posts)
  • postgresql (21 posts)
  • opensource (20 posts)
  • rcp (15 posts)
  • linux (13 posts)
  • research (12 posts)
  • swt (11 posts)
  • riflessioni (11 posts)
  • kde (10 posts)
  • whitecat (10 posts)
  • itpug (6 posts)
  • opensolaris (6 posts)
  • programmazione (6 posts)
  • pfsense (6 posts)
  • università (4 posts)
  • maxine (4 posts)
  • trasporti (4 posts)
  • git (3 posts)
  • freebsd (3 posts)
  • pgday (3 posts)
  • kmail (2 posts)
  • pljava (2 posts)
  • jfk (2 posts)
  • aglets (2 posts)
  • perl (2 posts)
  • gnome (1 posts)
  • webcalendar (1 posts)
  • windows (1 posts)
  • kubuntu (1 posts)
  • samba (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2010 post ratio by month:
    2010 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2010 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2010 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


61 total posts have been written on 2009. There have been 25 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • programmazione (19 posts)
  • java (16 posts)
  • postgresql (12 posts)
  • riflessioni (8 posts)
  • arco (7 posts)
  • università (6 posts)
  • trasporti (5 posts)
  • linux (4 posts)
  • eclipse (4 posts)
  • opensource (4 posts)
  • aglets (3 posts)
  • research (3 posts)
  • swt (3 posts)
  • rcp (3 posts)
  • itpug (3 posts)
  • opensolaris (2 posts)
  • whitecat (2 posts)
  • pgday (2 posts)
  • perl (2 posts)
  • qt (2 posts)
  • kde (2 posts)
  • git (1 posts)
  • php (1 posts)
  • kernel (1 posts)
  • windows (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2009 post ratio by month:
    2009 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2009 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2009 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59


154 total posts have been written on 2008. There have been 26 different tags used, the most popular being (sorted by number of posts):

  • linux (57 posts)
  • postgresql (30 posts)
  • università (25 posts)
  • java (25 posts)
  • riflessioni (20 posts)
  • arco (16 posts)
  • trasporti (9 posts)
  • eclipse (8 posts)
  • pgday (6 posts)
  • programmazione (6 posts)
  • kde (6 posts)
  • aglets (5 posts)
  • perl (4 posts)
  • svn (4 posts)
  • signatures (3 posts)
  • research (3 posts)
  • opensource (3 posts)
  • web (3 posts)
  • aspectj (3 posts)
  • divertimenti (2 posts)
  • php (2 posts)
  • whitecat (1 posts)
  • windows (1 posts)
  • git (1 posts)
  • firefox (1 posts)
  • itpug (1 posts).

    The following is the overall 2008 post ratio by month:
    2008 post ratio per month

The following is the overall 2008 post ratio by tag (showing max 30 tags):

2008 post ratio per tag

Last generated on 2023-01-13 at 12:59

The graphs and statistical data have been generated by the Raku script jss.p6 running on Raku via moar.
See Jekyll Simple Stats by Luca Ferrari .