This is an almost complete list of all my publications, including papers on my research activity as well as other computer science activity.
Please note I’ve used the special placeholder et al. on publications I don’t like to post here author names, but you can easily find the complete bibliography entry searching the web.
L. Ferrari, E. Pirozzi, Learn PostgreSQL - second edition, Packt Publishing, 2023, ISBN: 9781837635641

L. Ferrari, E. Pirozzi, Learn PostgreSQL, Packt Publising, 2020, ISBN: 9781838985288

L. Ferrari, PostgreSQL 11 Server Side Programming Quick Start Guide, Packt Publishing, 2018, ISBN: 9781789342222

Here it is a picture of myself in the end of 2020, when the second book I published came out. At that time I was recovering from my last eye-surgery, so I was unable to read any written text:

- L. Ferrari, Improve your PostgreSQL Skills ebook edited out of an online course material for BSD Magazine
Free Ebooks
- L. Ferrari et al., 23 years of FreeDOS, invited chapter
- L. Ferrari,
H. Zhu,
Autonomous Role Discovery for Collaborating Agents,
Software: Practice and Experience
, Vol 42, Issue 6, pp. 707-731 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Role-Based Software Agent Interaction Models: a Survey,
Knowledge Engineering Review
, 2009, Cambridge University Press, ISSN 0269-8889 - L. Ferrari et al.,
The LAICA Project: an Ad-Hoc Middleware to Support Ambient Intelligence,
Multiagent and Grid Systems (IOS Press)
, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 2008 4/3, 235-247 - L. Ferrari et al.,
Role Suggestion for Agents by Overhearing,
Journal of Intelligent Control System (Special Issue on Distributed Intelligent System)
, 2007 - L. Ferrari et al.,
Building Computational Institutions for Agents with RoleX,
Artificial Intelligence & Law
, Springer, The Netherlands, ISSN 0924-8463, 2007 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Applying Security Policies Through Agent Roles: a JAAS Based Approach,
Science of Computer Programming
, Elsevier, Amsterdam-NL, ISSN: 0167-6423, 2005 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
A Role-based Mobile-Agent Approach to Support E-Democracy,
Applied Soft Computing
, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.85-99, November 2005 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Injecting Roles in Java Agents Through Run-Time Bytecode Manipulation,
IBM Systems Journal
, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp.185-208, 2005 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Exploiting Run-Time Bytecode Manipulation to Add Roles to Java Agents,
Science of Computer Programming
, (Elsevier, Amsterdam-NL), 2005 ISSN: 0167-6423, volume 54/1, pp.73-98
Book Chapters
- Luca Ferrari et al.,
Uncoupling Coordination: Tuple-based Models for Mobility,
chapter of the book
Mobile Middleware (CRC Press, London-UK)
, Paolo Bellavista and Antonio Corradi editors, May 2006 - L. Ferrari et al., Role-based Approaches for Engineering Interactions in Largescale Multi-Agent Systems, invited chapter of the book `Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems II**, Pereira de Lucena, Garcia, Romanovsky, Castro, and Alencar editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 2940, pp. 243-263, April 2004
Online Journals
- L.Ferrari,
Managing Multiple PostgreSQL Installations with
, Volume 13, No. 11 - L. Ferrari,
How to Manage Multiple Perl 6 Installation with Rakudobrew,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 12, n.03, issue 03/2018(103) - L. Ferrari,
Table Level Security in PostgreSQL,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 12, n.02, issue 02/2018(102) - L. Ferrari,
Managing Multiple Perl 5 Installations with Perlbrew,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 12, n.01, issue 01/2018(101) - L. Ferrari et al.,
What’s next for Feature Development in FreeNAS/TrueNAS (interview with Kris Moore),
BSD Magazine
, Volume 12, n.01, issue 01/2018(101) - L. Ferrari,
Page Checksum protecion in PostgreSQL,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 11, n. 12, issue 12/2017(100) - L. Ferrari,
Using PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrappers to keep track of files,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 11, n. 11, issue 11/2017(99) - L. Ferrari,
Reacting to Panic,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 6 n .3 2013, issue 03/2013(44) - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: Users and Permissions Managements,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 6 n. 1, issue 01/2013(42) - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: schemas,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 12, issue 12/2012(41) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
PgDay.IT 2012,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 12, issue 12/2012(41) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
An Introduction to Code Mobility and its Security Concerns,
PenTest Magazine, Extra issue on Mobile Security
, Volume 2 N. 4 ISSN 2084-1116, Issue 04/2012(08) - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: Indexes (part 2),
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 11, issue 11/2012(40) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: Indexes (part 1),
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 10, issue 10/2012(39) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: Partitioning (part 2),
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 9, issue 09/2012(38) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: Partitioning (part 1),
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5, n.8, issue 08/2012(37) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: Server Side Programming (part 2),
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 6, issue 06/2012(35) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: Server Side Programming (part 1),
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 5, issue 05/2012(34) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: Replication,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 4, issue 04/2012(33) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: MVCC and Vacuum,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 3, issue 03/2012(32) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
PostgreSQL: from installation to PITR,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 2, issue 02/2012(31) 1898-9144 - L. Ferrari,
Elephants in Prato,
BSD Magazine
, Volume 5 n. 1, issue 01/2012(30) 1898-9144
International Conference Proceedings
- L.Ferrari,
H. Zhu,
Enabling Dynamic Roles For Java Agents,
Workshop on Adaptative Collaboration (AC 2011)
, The 2011 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS 2011)
- L.Ferrari,
H. Zhu,
WhiteCat (poster),
The 2010 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS 2010)
- L.Ferrari,
H. Zhu,
Making Agent Roles Perceivable Through Proxy Bytecode Manipulation,
Workshop on Role-Based Collaboration (RBC 2009)
, The 2009 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS 2009)
- L.Ferrari,
Binding Agent Roles to Environments: the R4R approach,
Workshop on Role-Based Collaboration (RBC 2008)
, The 2008 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS 2008)
- Luca Ferrari et al.,
Collaboration-Driven Role Suggestion for Agents,
IEEE 2006 Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Systems Collective Intelligence and its Applications (DIS)
, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2006 - L. Ferrari et al.,
Agents and Ambient Intelligence: the LAICA Experience,
The 5th International Symposium From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation
, at the 18th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2006), Wien, April 2006 (speaker) - L. Ferrari et al.,
Strong Agent Mobility for Aglets based on the IBM JikesRVM,
The 21st ACM International Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)
, Dijon, France, April 2006
- Luca Ferrari et al.,
Connecting Ambient Intelligent Components via Dedicated Middleware: an Agent Approach,
Workshop on Ambient Intelligence - Agents for Ubiquitous Environments at AAMAS 2005
, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Luglio 2005 (speaker) - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Supporting the Development of Multi-Agent Interactions via Roles,
The 6th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) at AAMAS 2005
, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Luglio 2005 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
The LAICA Project: Supporting Ambient Intelligence via Agents and Ad-Hoc Middleware,
The IEEE 14th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE)
, Linkopping, Sweden, June 2005
- Luca Ferrari et al.,
Rethinking Agent Roles: Extending the BRAIn Framework,
The 2004 IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference
, session on Role-based Collaboration, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 2004 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Agent Role-based Collaboration and Coordination: a Survey About Existing Approaches,
The 2004 IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference
, session on Role-based Collaboration, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 2004 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
The RoleX Environment for Multi-Agent Cooperation,
Eighth International Workshop CIA 2004 on Cooperative Information Agents
, Erfurt, Germany, September 2004, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence N. 3191 (speaker) - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Role-based Approaches for Agent Development,
Poster at the
3rd Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS)
, New York, USA, July 2004 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Towards the Use of Mobile Agent Based Message Systems,
The IEEE 13th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE)
, Modena, Italy, June 2004 (speaker) - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Embedding JAAS in Agent Roles to Apply Local Security Policies,
3rd International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in JavaTM (PPPJ)
, Las Vegas, USA, June 2004 (speaker) - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Mailconfigurator: Automatic Configuration of E-Mail Accounts Through Java Mobile Agents,
short paper,
3rd International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in JavaTM (PPPJ)
, Las Vegas, USA, June, 2004 (speaker)
- Luca Ferrari et al.,
Role Agent Pattern: a Developer Guideline,
The 2003 IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference
, session on Role-based Collaboration, Washington DC, USA, October 2003 (speaker) - Luca Ferrari et al.,
A Case Study in Role-based Agent Interactions,
The IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE)
, Linz, Austria, June 2003 - Best paper della sezione Agent Computing for Enterprise Collaboration (ACEC) - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Manipulation of Java Agent Bytecode to Add Roles,
The 2nd International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java (PPPJ)
, Kilkenny City, Ireland, June 2003 (speaker) - Luca Ferrari et al.,
Enabling Mobile Agents to Dynamically Assume Roles,
The 2003 ACM International Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC)
, Melbourne, Florida, USA, March 2003 - Luca Ferrari et al.,
BRAIN: a Framework for Flexible Role-Based Interactions in Multiagent Systems,
The First European Workshop on MultiAgent Systems
, December 2003, Oxford, U.K.
National Conference Proceedings
- Luca Ferrari et al.,
Evaluating Trust Among Agents,
Workshop Dagli oggetti agli agenti: Sistemi Complessi e Agenti Razionali
, Torino, November 2004
- L. Ferrari et al.,
A Case Study in Role-based Agent Interactions to Perform Administrative Tasks,
Workshop Dagli oggetti agli agenti: tendenze evolutive dei sistemi software
, Sardegna, September 2003
- L. Ferrari et al.,
How to Dynamically Add Roles to Agents,
Workshop dagli Oggetti agli Agenti (WOA): tendenze evolutive dei sistemi software
, Milano, November 2002