pgenv 1.4.0 is out!

pgenv 1.4.0 is out with an interesting improvement regarding the configuration management. When you install, and then use, a specific PostgreSQL version, pgenv loads the configuration to start the instance with from a configuration file that is named after the PostgreSQL specific version. For instance, if you are running version 17.1, then pgenv will load the configuration from a file named 17.1.conf. If the latter file does not exists, the pgenv script will try to load the default configuration file default.conf. Now, thanks to the work done in the pgenv development, it is possible to allow for multiple configuration files with overrides. In particular, pgenv will load more than one configuration file with narrowing context related to the PostgreSQL version. Therefore, using a 17.1 PostgreSQL version will trigger the loading of the following files:
  • default.conf
  • 17.conf
  • 17.1.conf
Note the addition of the major version specific configuration file (in the above 17.conf). This new configuration loading chain will make pgenv to load configuration from a default to a specific context, allowing also for a quicker sharing of configuration assuming you are interested only in the major version configuration.

The article pgenv 1.4.0 is out! has been posted by Luca Ferrari on March 10, 2025