Perl Weekly Challenge 312: it’s raining letters!
This post presents my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 312.I keep doing the Perl Weekly Challenge in order to mantain my coding skills in good shape, as well as in order to learn new things, with particular regard to Raku, a language that I love.
This week, I solved the following tasks:
- PWC 312 - Task 1 - Raku
- PWC 312 - Task 2 - Raku
- PWC 312 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL PL/Perl
- PWC 312 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL PL/Perl
- PWC 312 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL PL/PgSQL
- PWC 312 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL PL/PgSQL
- PWC 312 - Task 1 in PL/Java
- PWC 312 - Task 2 in PL/Java
- PWC 312 - Task 1 in Python
- PWC 312 - Task 2 in Python
Raku Implementations
PWC 312 - Task 1 - Raku Implementation
The first task was about computing how many seconds a typewriter used to print a set of given letters, assuming there is one second spent for printing a char and another second to move the rotating letter of one step.sub MAIN( Str $typing ) {
my $secs = 0;
my $position = 0;
my @letters = 'a' .. 'z';
for $ -> $current_letter {
my $next_position = @letters.grep( * ~~ $current_letter, :k ).first().Int;
my $clockwise = ( $next_position - $position ) % @letters.elems;
my $anti_clockwise = abs( @letters.elems - $next_position + 1 );
$position = $next_position;
$secs += 1 + ( $clockwise, $anti_clockwise ).min;
The problem of the task is that we can rotate the letters in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction, so we need to find out the shortest path to every letter.
PWC 312 - Task 2 - Raku Implementation
The second task, given a string of one letter and number repeated, where each letter represent anRGB
color and the number the label of a box, the aim was to find out the boxes containing all the colors.
sub MAIN( Str $elements ) {
my %boxes;
for $elements.uc.comb -> $color, $box {
%boxes{ $box }.push: $color;
my $found = 0;
$found++ if %boxes{ $_ }.values.grep( * ~~ /R|G|B/ ).elems >= 3 for %boxes.keys;
I use an hash to store, for every
, the list of $color
found in the string. Then, I grep
the values of the %boxes
to see how many R
and G
and B
I can find in a single box, and if that is more than 3
the box contains all the colors.
PL/Perl Implementations
PWC 312 - Task 1 - PL/Perl Implementation
Same implementation as in Raku, a little more verbose.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc312.task1_plperl( text )
my ( $typing ) = @_;
my %letters;
my $position = 0;
my $count = 0;
$letters{ $_ } = $count++ for ( 'a' .. 'z' );
$count = 0;
for my $current_letter ( split //, lc( $typing ) ) {
my $next_position = $letters{ $current_letter };
my ( $clock, $anti_clock ) = ( $next_position - $position, 25 - $next_position - $position + 1 );
$clock *= $clock < 0 ? -1 : 1;
$anti_clock *= $anti_clock < 0 ? -1 : 1;
$position = $next_position;
$count += 1 + ( $clock < $anti_clock ? $clock : $anti_clock );
return $count;
LANGUAGE plperl;
PWC 312 - Task 2 - PL/Perl Implementation
Same approach as in Raku, with a more verbosity implementation.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc312.task2_plperl( text )
my ( $boxes ) = @_;
my @data = split //, uc( $boxes );
my $result = {};
my $full = 0;
while ( @data ) {
my ( $box, $color ) = ( pop @data, pop @data );
push $result->{ $box }->@*, $color;
for my $colors ( values $result->%* ) {
$full++ if ( scalar( grep { $_ =~ /G|B|R/ } $colors->@* ) >= 3 );
return $full;
LANGUAGE plperl;
PostgreSQL Implementations
PWC 312 - Task 1 - PL/PgSQL Implementation
I use a temporary table to store every letter with its index when moving clockwise or anticlockwise. Then, I iterate over each letter in the string and compute the lowest value to move towards.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc312.task1_plpgsql( typing text )
secs int := 0;
position int := 1;
next_position int := 1;
l int;
r int;
letter char;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS letters( c char, clock int, anti int );
TRUNCATE letters;
INSERT INTO letters( c, clock, anti )
SELECT chr( v ), row_number() over (), 25 + 1 - row_number() over ()
FROM generate_series( 97, 97 + 25 ) v;
FOR letter IN SELECT v FROM regexp_split_to_table( typing, '' ) v LOOP
SELECT abs( clock - position ), abs( 26 - clock - anti - position ), clock
INTO l, r, next_position
FROM letters
WHERE c = letter;
IF l > r THEN
secs := secs + r;
secs := secs + l;
secs := secs + 1;
position := next_position;
RETURN secs;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
PWC 312 - Task 2 - PL/PgSQL Implementation
I use a temporary table that, given a box label (number) has the flags to indicate if at least one of the three colors has been found. I iterate over all the values in the string, andINSERT
the row in the table, so that in the end I can select how many tuples have all the flags set.
pwc312.task2_plpgsql( boxes text )
current_color char;
current_box int;
parts text[];
result int;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS boxes( n int, r bool, g bool, b bool, PRIMARY KEY( n ) );
SELECT regexp_split_to_array( boxes, '' )
INTO parts;
FOR i IN 1 .. length( boxes ) / 2 LOOP
current_color := parts[ i + ( i - 1 ) ];
current_box := parts[ i + 1 + ( i - 1 ) ];
FROM boxes
WHERE n = current_box;
SELECT current_box
, case current_color when 'R' then true else false end
, case current_color when 'G' then true else false end
, case current_color when 'B' then true else false end
UPDATE boxes
r = r OR case current_color when 'R' then true else false end
, g = g OR case current_color when 'G' then true else false end
, b = b OR case current_color when 'B' then true else false end
WHERE n = current_box;
SELECT count(*)
INTO result
FROM boxes
WHERE r AND g and b;
RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Java Implementations
PWC 312 - Task 1 - PostgreSQL PL/Java Implementation
Same approach as in the other implementations. public static final int task1_pljava( String typing ) throws SQLException {
logger.log( Level.INFO, "Entering pwc312.task1_pljava" );
String alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
Map<String,Integer> letters = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int position = 0;
int secs = 0;
int next_position = 0;
for ( String c : alphabet.split( "" ) )
letters.put( c, secs++ );
secs = 0;
for ( String current_letter : typing.toLowerCase().split( "" ) ) {
next_position = letters.get( current_letter );
int clock = Math.abs( next_position - position );
int anti = Math.abs( alphabet.length() - next_position - position + 1 );
secs += 1 + ( clock > anti ? anti : clock );
position = next_position;
return secs;
PWC 312 - Task 2 - PostgreSQL PL/Java Implementation
Same implementation as in the other languages. public static final int task2_pljava( String boxes ) throws SQLException {
logger.log( Level.INFO, "Entering pwc312.task2_pljava" );
List<String> data = new LinkedList<String>();
for ( String c : boxes.toUpperCase().split( "" ) )
data.add( c );
Map<String, String> found = new HashMap<String, String>();
while ( data.size() > 0 ) {
String color = data.remove( 0 );
String box = data.remove( 0 );
found.putIfAbsent( box, "" );
found.put( box, found.get( box ) + color );
int ok = 0;
for ( String box : found.keySet() ) {
if ( found.get( box ).contains( "R" )
&& found.get( box ).contains( "G" )
&& found.get( box ).contains( "B" ) )
return ok;
Python Implementations
PWC 312 - Task 1 - Python Implementation
The idea is similar to that of the other language implementations.import sys
# task implementation
# the return value will be printed
def task_1( args ):
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
typing = args[ 0 ]
letters = {}
secs = 0
position = 0
next_position = 0
for x in alphabet :
letters[ x ] = position
position += 1
for c in typing :
next_position = letters[ c ]
clock = abs( next_position - position )
anti = abs( len( alphabet ) - next_position - position )
position = next_position
secs += 1
if clock > anti :
secs += anti
else :
secs += clock
return secs
# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
print( task_1( sys.argv[ 1: ] ) )
PWC 312 - Task 2 - Python Implementation
Similar to other implementations before.import sys
# task implementation
# the return value will be printed
def task_2( args ):
boxes = {}
data = args[ 0 ]
while len( data ) > 0 :
color, box, data = data[ 0 ], data[ 1 ], data[ 2: ]
if not box in boxes :
boxes[ box ] = []
boxes[ box ].append( color )
found = 0
for box in boxes :
if "R" in boxes[ box ] and "G" in boxes[ box ] and "B" in boxes[ box ]:
found += 1
return found
# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
print( task_2( sys.argv[ 1: ] ) )