Perl Weekly Challenge 302: first challenge of the year

This post presents my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 302.
I keep doing the Perl Weekly Challenge in order to mantain my coding skills in good shape, as well as in order to learn new things, with particular regard to Raku, a language that I love.
This week, I solved the following tasks:

Raku Implementations

PWC 302 - Task 1 - Raku Implementation

Given a set of binary strings and a number x of 1s and y of 0s, find out the largest size of a subset so that there are no more $x and $y conditions.

sub MAIN( Int :$x, Int :$y, *@str ) {

    my %solutions;

    for @str.permutations -> $array {
		my @current-set;

		for $array.Array -> $_ {

		    if ( @current-set.join.grep( * ~~ 0 ).elems <= $y
				&& @current-set.join.grep( * ~~ 1 ).elems <= $x ) {
				@current-set.push: $_;
		    else {


		%solutions{ @current-set.elems }.push: @current-set if ( @current-set );


The idea is quite simple: I iterate over all possible permutations of the array of binary strings, and build an array of element (strings) named @current-set. Every time I add a new string from the current permutation, I ensure that the $x and $y conditions are met, and once they are not met anymore I add the solution to the %solutions hash, keyed by the length of the subset. Therefore, it does suffice to grab the highest key.

PWC 302 - Task 2 - Raku Implementation

Given an array of integers, find out a minimum start so that the sum of each step is greater than one.

sub MAIN() {

    my @nums = -3, 2, -3, 2, 4;
    for 0 .. Inf -> $start {
		my $current = $start;
		my $ok = True;

		for @nums {
		    $current += $_;
		    if ( $current < 1 ) {
				$ok = False;

		$start.say and exit if ( $ok );

I iterate on every possible number, and fo each value assumed as a start, I iterate over the array to ensure there is no step less than 1. At the first value that ensures me the condition, I print it and terminate the program.

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 302: first challenge of the year has been posted by Luca Ferrari on January 5, 2025