Using JetBrains Fonts in Emacs

I live within Emacs, and my setup is very minimal and distraction free. However, the monospace fonts used in my configuration were not so good, and the following is an example of the everywhere present Noto Mono font:

Emacs with Noto Mono font
I discovered the very beautiful JetBrains Monospace fonts and decided to give them a try. This is how it appears on the very same snippet of Perl code:

Emacs with JetBrains Mono fonts
The procedure to install the fonts is quite straightforward:
  • download the fonts from JetBrains;
  • extract the archive
  • copy the .ttf fonts into $HOME/.local/share/fonts;
  • run fc-cache to update the cache.
Then, on the Emacs side, activate the fonts with something like:

(set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "JetBrains Mono" :height 200  )

Note that I increased the size of the font, since it appears to me a little shorter than the Noto one.

The article Using JetBrains Fonts in Emacs has been posted by Luca Ferrari on October 17, 2024

Tags: emacs