PostgreSQL 17 allow_alter_system tunable

Among the new excellent features of PostgreSQL 17, one captured my attention: the capability to disable the ALTER SYSTEM command via the tunable [allow_alter_system]({:target="_blank"}. The allow_alter_system is a boolean setting that is turned on by default, meaning that it is always possible to execute ALTER SYSTEM on the enrironment (as in previous versions). When turned off, the system will report an error, refusing to execute the command:

ostgres=# alter system set work_mem to '512MB';
ERROR:  ALTER SYSTEM is not allowed in this environment

postgres=# show allow_alter_system ;
(1 row)

The idea, as explained in the documentation, is to prevent mistakes when PostgreSQL is managed externally, or with an external tool, so that it is not possible to accidentally overwrite a configuration managed outside the database itself (i.e., via traditional files). The annotation for the tunable explains it:

postgres=# select name, context, category, short_desc, extra_desc from pg_settings where name = 'allow_alter_system';
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name       | allow_alter_system
context    | sighup
category   | Version and Platform Compatibility / Other Platforms and Clients
short_desc | Allows running the ALTER SYSTEM command.
extra_desc | Can be set to off for environments where global configuration changes should be made using a different method.

There are two important things to keep in mind when using this new feature:
  • this is not a security feature, it does not add any extra security layer;
  • will be always loaded as last included file*, therefore setting the tunable to off will not change the configuration machinery of PostgreSQL, nor will make impossible for *external tools to operate on directly (simulating, thefefore, ALTER SYSTEM),
Last but not least, keep in mind that the system is raising an error, thus aborting your existing scripts in the case this feature is set to off. According to me, the choice to error or ignoer an ALTER SYSTEM would have been a better choice, so that even automated script could rung without any side effect and without interruptions due to errors.

The article PostgreSQL 17 allow_alter_system tunable has been posted by Luca Ferrari on October 3, 2024