Perl Weekly Challenge 281: Let’s Play Chess!
This post presents my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 281.I keep doing the Perl Weekly Challenge in order to mantain my coding skills in good shape, as well as in order to learn new things, with particular regard to Raku, a language that I love.
This week, I solved the following tasks:
Raku Implementations
PWC 281 - Task 1 - Raku Implementation
The first task was about finding out if a given position on a chessboard was light or not.sub MAIN( Str $coordinates where { $coordinates ~~ / ^ <[a .. h]> <[ 1 .. 8 ]> $/ } ) {
my %chessboard;
my $value = False;
for 1 .. 8 -> $row {
$value = $row %% 2 ?? True !! False;
for 'a' .. 'h' -> $column {
%chessboard{ $column ~ $row } = $value;
$value = ! $value;
%chessboard{ $coordinates }.say;
I lazily created a nested loop over
, which is initialized with True
for light positions and False
for black ones.
Therefore, it becomes really simple to see if a given position is black or white.
PWC 281 - Task 2 - Raku Implementation
This has been a very complex task: find out the shortest path for a knight to move from a position to another.sub compute-end-points( $start ) {
my @end-points;
my @valid-columns = 'a' .. 'h';
$start ~~ / ^ $<column>=( <[a..h]> ) $<row>=( <[1..8]> ) $ /;
my $row = $<row>.Int;
my $column = $<column>.Str;
return Nil if ( $row > 8 || $row < 1 || ! @valid-columns.grep( { $_ ~~ $column } ) );
# at which index is the current column labeled with a letter?
$column = @valid-columns.grep( { $_ ~~ $column }, :k )[ 0 ];
my @moves = [ +1, -2 ], [ +1, +2 ],
[ +2, -1 ], [ +2, +1 ],
[ -1, -2 ], [ -1, +2 ],
[ -2, -1 ], [ -2, +1 ];
@end-points =
{ [ @valid-columns[ $_[ 0 ] + $column ], $_[ 1 ] + $row ] } )
.grep( { $_[ 0 ] && @valid-columns.grep( * ~~ $_[ 0 ] ) && 1 <= $_[ 1 ] <= 8 } )
.map( { $_[ 0 ] ~ $_[ 1 ] } );
return @end-points;
sub MAIN( Str $start,
Str $end,
where { $start !~~ $end
and $start ~~ / ^ <[a..h]> <[1..8]> $ /
and $end ~~ / ^ <[a..h]> <[1..8]> $ / }
) {
my @end-points = compute-end-points( $start );
my @paths;
@paths = $start ~ '-' ~ * );
my @new-paths;
my $found = False;
my $debug = 0;
while ( ! $found ) {
for @paths.sort -> $current-path {
my $next = $current-path.split( '-' )[ * - 1 ];
my @ends = compute-end-points( $next ).grep( { $_ ne $start && $_ ne $next } );
@new-paths.push: $current-path ~ '-' ~ $_ for @ends;
@paths = @new-paths;
@new-paths = ();
$found = @paths.grep( * ~~ / $end $ / );
my %possible-moves;
for @paths.grep( * ~~ / $end $ / ) {
%possible-moves{ $_.split( '-' ).elems }.push: $_;
my $min-moves = %possible-moves.keys.min;
if ( $verbose ) {
"possible moves:".say;
%possible-moves{ $min-moves }.sort.join( "\n" ).say;
I define a function
that, given a starting position, computes where the kight can be that, in a case where all the endings are still on the chessboard, means 8 possible positions.
Then, in the MAIN
, I start from the beginning position and compute the initial @end-points
list. Then I do iterate until I find the final destination, appending to a list of positions, the ending points. So the list @new-paths
is built as start-end1, start-end2, ...
and then, in the next iteration, is expanded to start-end1-subend1, start-end1-subend2, ... , start-end8-subend1, ...
Once I’ve the list of all possible places the knight can reach, I grep
thos that end with the $end
wanted position, splitting into places and computing the minimum value of moves. This can lead to more than one sequence, so I compare them into an hash keyed at the number of moves.