Shibboleth: unable to locate metadata for provider

Today I spent a few hours trying to figure out why Shibboleth was not working against our identity provider. The environment was a Debian 12, something I’m not really used to, but that does not matter. The Shibboleth version is 3.4.1, the configuration was migrated from a working machine running Shibboleth version 3.3.0. The daemon was loading fine, but when I tried to connect to /Shibboleth.sso/Login, I got an error. The fastcgi logs (yes, I’m running against nginx) revealed something like:

[error] 651#651: *72 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Unable to locate metadata for identity provider (https://foo)"

and the problem was confirmed in the shibd.log too:

WARN Shibboleth.SessionInitiator.SAML2 [1] [default]: unable to locate metadata for provider

But the problem was critical and was not in the shibd.log! In fact, inspecting the shib_warn.log I found something like:

CRIT Shibboleth.Application : error initializing MetadataProvider: Root of metadata instance not recognized: {urn:mace:shibboleth:3.0:native:sp:config}MetadataFilter

The solution came from a post on the mailing list : chaning the uri attribute of the MetadataProvider to url in the file shibboleth2.xml fixed the problem. I wonder why such a problematic error is not appearing in every log, including shibd.log and why it is so obscure.

The article Shibboleth: unable to locate metadata for provider has been posted by Luca Ferrari on July 9, 2024