pg_dump and –if-exists little gem

pg_dump is a very useful tool to dump (and hence prepare to restore) a single PostgreSQL database. When I use it, I usually add the options:
  • --clean to DROP the database I’m dumping;
  • --create to issue a CREATE DATABASE and reconnect to it.
Thanks to the above options, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to start over from a clean situation when restoring the dump. This is particularly useful, according to me, when developing a new application and need to start over from scratch. However, the result of the --clean option is that the SQL file begins, after the useual preamble, with something like:


While this is what I want, if I need to restore the backup on a fresh machine, where the target database was not already in place, the restore will cause a warning saying that the database cannot be dropped because it does not exist (yet). And thic could be annoying from time to time! But being PostgreSQL such a great advanced piece of software, pg_dump provides an option for add the very useful IF EXISTS to DROP DATABASE: -if-exists comes to the rescue!

% pg_dump --clean --create --if-exists ...

The above will result in the DROP DATABASE miniondb IF EXISTS;, that in turn will stop annoying me when the database is not already in place. After all, the documentation for the --clean option already mentioned it clearly:

If any of the objects do not exist in the destination database,
ignorable error messages will be reported during restore,
unless --if-exists is also specified.

and much more on the option documentation itself:

     Use DROP ... IF EXISTS commands to drop objects in --clean mode. This suppresses “does
     not exist” errors that might otherwise be reported. This option is not valid unless
     --clean is also specified.

Note that --if-exists refers to objects, not only the whole database!

The article pg_dump and --if-exists little gem has been posted by Luca Ferrari on June 26, 2024