Perl Weekly Challenge 259: too much work to do!
This post presents my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 259.I keep doing the Perl Weekly Challenge in order to mantain my coding skills in good shape, as well as in order to learn new things, with particular regard to Raku, a language that I love.
This week, I solved the following tasks:
- PWC 259 - Task 1 - Raku
- PWC 259 - Task 2 - Raku
- PWC 259 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL PL/Perl
- PWC 259 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL PL/Perl
- PWC 259 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL PL/PgSQL
- PWC 259 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL PL/PgSQL
- PWC 259 - Task 1 in PL/Java
- PWC 259 - Task 2 in PL/Java
- PWC 259 - Task 1 in Python
- PWC 259 - Task 2 in Python
Raku Implementations
PWC 259 - Task 1 - Raku Implementation
The first task was about computing a destination date given an initial date, an offset (in days) and a set of dates to skip. THe script has to compute the final date skipping weekends and all the days into the optionally specified list of holidays.sub MAIN( $date,
Int $offset is copy,
where { $date ~~ / ^ \d ** 4 <[-]>\d ** 2 <[-]> \d ** 2 $ / and $offset > 0 } ) {
my $day = $date, formatter => { sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", .year, .month, .day } );
while ( $offset > 0 ) {
$day .= later( days => 1 );
# skip weekends
while ( $ == any( 7, 6 ) ) {
$day .= later( days => 1 );
while ( @holidays.elems > 0 && @holidays.grep( * ~~ $day.Str ) ) {
$day .= later( days => 1 );
The idea is to store the
object into a $day
variable that is increased by one day at a time (by means of later
) looping for every $offset
days specified. The $day
is moved forward one day at a time if it is a weekend or is found in the holidays array.
PWC 259 - Task 2 - Raku Implementation
The task asked to write a parser for a line of text in a form with an identifier and a set of params (key and value). I have not implemented this task in a very accurate way, since it is too much regular expression work for me!sub MAIN() {
my %parsed;
my $line = '...';
my regex id { \w+ };
my regex option { $<name>= [ \w+ ] \s* <[=]> $<value>= [ \w+ | \" \w+ \s* .* \" ] };
my regex opening { <[{]> <[%]> };
my regex closing { <[%]> <[}]> };
if ( $line ~~ / ^ <opening> \s+ <id> \s+ <option>* % \s \s* <closing> $ / ) {
%parsed<name> = $/<id>;
say $/<option>;
for $/<option> {
my ( $key, $value ) = .split( '=' );
%parsed<fields>{ $key } = $value;
say %parsed;
PL/Perl Implementations
PWC 259 - Task 1 - PL/Perl Implementation
Similar implementation to the Raku one, withDateTime
object used for days.
pwc259.task1_plperl( date, int, date[] )
use DateTime;
my ( $when, $offset, $holidays ) = @_;
$when =~ / ^ (?<year>\d{4}) [-] (?<month>\d{2}) [-] (?<day>\d{2}) $ /x;
my $day = DateTime->new( year => $+{ year}, month => $+{ month }, day => $+{ day } );
while ( $offset > 0 ) {
$day->add( days => 1 );
# skip weekends
while ( $day->day_of_week == 6 || $day->day_of_week == 7 ) {
$day->add( days => 1 );
if ( $holidays->@* ) {
while( grep { $_ eq $day->ymd } $holidays->@* ) {
$day->add( days => 1 );
return $day->ymd;
LANGUAGE plperlu;
PWC 259 - Task 2 - PL/Perl Implementation
Again, a disaster of regular expressions! This time I tried to implement a kind of staging parser, where each character of the paramaters string is analyzed to understand if accumulating a key or a value for a pair.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc259.task2_plperl( text)
RETURNS TABLE( id text, field_name text, field_value text )
my ( $line ) = @_;
if ( $line =~ / ^ [{] [%] \s* (?<id>\w+) \s* (?<options>.*) \s* [%] [}] $ /x ) {
my $id = $+{ id };
my ( $name, $value ) = ( '', '' );
if ( $+{ options } ) {
my $is_value = 0;
my $allowed_spaces = 0;
my $previous = '';
for ( split //, $+{ options } ) {
$is_value = 1 and $previous = $_ and next if ( $_ eq '=' );
$allowed_spaces = 1 and $previous = $_ and next if ( $_ eq '"' and $previous eq '=' );
$name .= $_ if ( ! $is_value );
$value .= $_ if ( $is_value );
if ( $is_value
&& ( ( $_ eq ' ' && ! $allowed_spaces )
|| ( $_ eq '"' && $previous ne '\\' && $allowed_spaces ) )
) {
# stop here!
$value =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
$value =~ s/^["]|["]$//g;
$value =~ s/\\"/"/g;
return_next( { id => $id ,
field_name => $name,
field_value => $value } );
( $name, $value, $is_value, $allowed_spaces ) = ( '', '', 0, 0 );
$previous = $_;
return undef;
LANGUAGE plperl;
PostgreSQL Implementations
PWC 259 - Task 1 - PL/PgSQL Implementation
Quite simple to implement, using the same approach of PL/Perl:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc259.task1_plpgsql( day date, how_many_days int, holidays date[] )
current_holiday date;
WHILE how_many_days > 0 LOOP
day := day + 1;
WHILE extract( dow from day ) IN ( 0, 6 ) LOOP
day := day + 1;
FOREACH current_holiday IN ARRAY holidays LOOP
IF current_holiday = day THEN
day := day + 1;
how_many_days := how_many_days - 1;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
PWC 259 - Task 2 - PL/PgSQL Implementation
Here I faked! I used the PL/Perl (not complete) implementation, since there is too much work to do in PL/PgSQL with this regular expressions.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc259.task2_plpgsql( line text )
RETURNS TABLE( id text, field_name text, field_value text )
SELECT pwc259.task2_plperl( line );
Java Implementations
PWC 259 - Task 1 - PostgreSQL PL/Java Implementation
Same implementation as PL/Perl and the others, with the care of usingjava.sql.Date
public class Task1 {
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger();
@Function( schema = "pwc259",
onNullInput = RETURNS_NULL,
effects = IMMUTABLE )
public static final java.sql.Date task1_pljava( Date startDay, int how_many, Date[] holidays ) throws SQLException {
logger.log( Level.INFO, "Entering pwc259.task1_pljava" );
Calendar day = Calendar.getInstance();
day.setTime( startDay );
while ( how_many > 0 ) {
day.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1 );
while ( day.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH ) == Calendar.SUNDAY
|| day.get( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH ) == Calendar.SATURDAY )
day.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1 );
if ( holidays != null )
for ( Date skip : holidays )
if ( skip.equals( day.getTime() ) )
day.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1 );
return new java.sql.Date( day.getTimeInMillis() );
PWC 259 - Task 2 - PostgreSQL PL/Java Implementation
The implementation of this task has been done partially, using nested regular expressions.public class Task2 implements ResultSetProvider {
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger();
@Function( schema = "pwc259",
onNullInput = RETURNS_NULL,
effects = IMMUTABLE )
public static final ResultSetProvider task2_pljava( String line ) throws SQLException {
return new Task2( line );
public Task2( String line ) throws SQLException {
params = new LinkedList< List<String> >();
parse( line );
private final void parse( String line ) throws SQLException {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "[{][%] (\\w+)\\s*(.*)\\s* [%][}]" );
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( line );
if ( matcher.find() ) {
id = 1 );
Pattern subPattern = Pattern.compile( "(\\w+)[=](\\w+)\\s*" );
Matcher subMatch = subPattern.matcher( 2 ) );
while ( subMatch.find() ) {
List<String> current = new LinkedList<String>();
current.add( 1 ) );
current.add( 2 ) );
params.add( current );
throw new SQLException( "Cannot parse " + line );
private List< List<String> > params;
private String id;
public boolean assignRowValues(ResultSet rs, int row)
throws SQLException {
// stop the result set
if ( row >= params.size() )
return false;
rs.updateInt( 1, row );
rs.updateString( 2, id );
rs.updateString( 3, params.get( row ).get( 0 ) );
rs.updateString( 4, params.get( row ).get( 1 ) );
return true;
public void close() {
The idea is to perform the parsing within the
method, that will store the parameters into the params
list, so that the function can return such list as a result set.
Python Implementations
PWC 259 - Task 1 - Python Implementation
Same implementation as in other tasks, but requires atimedelta
to add one day at a time!
import sys
from datetime import date, timedelta
# task implementation
# the return value will be printed
def task_1( args ):
day = date.fromisoformat( args[ 0 ] )
offset = int( args[ 1 ] )
holidays = list( map( lambda x: date.fromisoformat( x ), args[ 2: ] ) )
one_day = timedelta( days=1 )
while offset > 0 :
day += one_day
while day.weekday() >= 6 or day.weekday() == 0:
day += one_day
while day in holidays :
day += one_day
offset -= 1
return day
# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
print( task_1( sys.argv[ 1: ] ) )
PWC 259 - Task 2 - Python Implementation
A character-at-a-time parser, not a very good implementation, sob!import sys
# task implementation
# the return value will be printed
def task_2( args ):
line = args[ 0 ]
parsed = {}
id = ''
key = ''
value = ''
is_value = False
is_key = False
for c in line:
if c == '{' :
elif c == '%':
elif c == '}':
return parsed
elif c == ' ':
if not 'id' in parsed and len( id ) > 0 :
parsed[ 'id' ] = id
parsed[ 'fields' ] = []
is_key = True
elif 'fields' in parsed:
parsed[ 'fields' ].append( { key : value } )
is_key = True
key = ''
value = ''
is_value = False
elif c != '=' :
if not 'id' in parsed:
id += c
is_value = False
is_key = False
if is_key:
key += c
value += c
elif c == '=':
if is_key:
is_value = True
is_key = False
return parsed
# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
print( task_2( sys.argv[ 1: ] ) )