Installing PostgreSQL 16 on Rocky Linux 9: the Perl::IPC::Run problem

Today I was preparing a new machine, based on Rocky Linux 9, for some development activity. I was installing PostgreSQL 16 and the development stuff I need, so I was executing (after having imported the PGDG repository), the usual:

% sudo dnf install postgresql16.x86_64 \
                   postgresql16-contrib.x86_64 \
				   postgresql16-devel.x86_64 \
				   postgresql16-libs.x86_64 \
				   postgresql16-plperl.x86_64 \

 Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job
  - nothing provides perl(IPC::Run) needed by postgresql16-devel-16.1-2PGDG.rhel9.x86_64 from pgdg16
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

Apparently I’m not able to find out a Perl-IPC-Run module on the Rocky Linux repositories, nor in the epel_release ones. The correct way is to enable the crb repository:

% sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

And that’s it:

% dnf search Perl-IPC-Run

==================================== Name Matched: Perl-IPC-Run ====================================
perl-IPC-Run.noarch : Perl module for interacting with child processes
perl-IPC-Run3.noarch : Run a subprocess in batch mode

Another approach is to install it the Perl way! I prefer to use cpanm as Perl package manager nowdays, but cpan and others work equally well:

% sudo dnf install perl-App-cpanminus.noarch

% sudo cpanm IPC::Run
--> Working on IPC::Run
Fetching ... OK
Configuring IPC-Run-20231003.0 ... OK
Building and testing IPC-Run-20231003.0 ... OK
Successfully installed IPC-Run-20231003.0 (upgraded from 20200505.0)
1 distribution installed

The article Installing PostgreSQL 16 (development) on Rocky Linux 9: the Perl::IPC::Run problem has been posted by Luca Ferrari on February 8, 2024