Perl Weekly Challenge 254: vowels and roots
This post presents my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 254.I keep doing the Perl Weekly Challenge in order to mantain my coding skills in good shape, as well as in order to learn new things, with particular regard to Raku, a language that I love.
This week, I solved the following tasks:
- PWC 254 - Task 1 - Raku
- PWC 254 - Task 2 - Raku
- PWC 254 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL PL/Perl
- PWC 254 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL PL/Perl
- PWC 254 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL PL/PgSQL
- PWC 254 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL PL/PgSQL
- PWC 254 - Task 1 in PL/Java
- PWC 254 - Task 2 in PL/Java
- PWC 254 - Task 1 in Python
- PWC 254 - Task 2 in Python
Raku Implementations
PWC 254 - Task 1 - Raku Implementation
The first task was about finding out if a given number was a power of three of an integer.sub MAIN( Int $n ) {
# say ( $n ** ( 1 / 3 ) ).Int == ( $n ** ( 1 / 3 ) );
for ( 2 ..^ $n.sqrt.Int ) {
'true'.say and exit if ( $_ ** 3 == $n );
In the beginning I thought to test if the number, powered at
resulted in an integer, but since there is Rat
in the middle, some approximations could ruin the final result. So I took an iterative approach iterating on a every sensible number seeing if it can result in the power of three equal to the given number,
PWC 254 - Task 2 - Raku Implementation
The seconda task was about reversing all the vowels in a given string, so that the last (rightmost) one becomes the first (leftmost) and so on.sub MAIN( Str $word ) {
my @reversed;
my @vowels.push: |$ * ~~ / <[aeiou]> / ).reverse;
for $word.comb {
@reversed.push( $_ ) and next if ( $ !~~ / <[aeiou]> / || @vowels.elems == 0 );
@reversed.push: @vowels.shift if ( @vowels.elems > 0 );
The idea is to take a
array to be used as a stack, so I place all the vowels in a reversed order. Then I loop thru every letter of the original word, and in the case the current letter is not a vowel or the @vowels
is empty, I simply append such letter, otherwise it is a vowel and I pick the first one I can find.
PL/Perl Implementations
PWC 254 - Task 1 - PL/Perl Implementation
Same approach as in Raku.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc254.task1_plperl( int )
my ( $num ) = @_;
for ( 2 .. ( $num / 2 ) ) {
return 1 if ( $_ ** 3 == $num );
return 0;
LANGUAGE plperl;
PWC 254 - Task 2 - PL/Perl Implementation
Same approach as in Raku.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc254.task2_plperl( text )
my ( $word ) = @_;
my @vowels = reverse grep { $_ =~ / [aeiou] /ix } split( //, $word );
my $output = '';
for ( split //, $word ) {
$output .= $_ and next if ( $_ !~ / [aeiou] /ix || ! @vowels );
$output .= shift( @vowels ) and next;
return $output;
LANGUAGE plperl;
PostgreSQL Implementations
PWC 254 - Task 1 - PL/PgSQL Implementation
Same approach as in PL/Perl.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc254.task1_plpgsql( n int )
FOR i IN 2 .. sqrt( n )::int LOOP
IF pow( i, 3 ) = n THEN
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
PWC 254 - Task 2 - PL/PgSQL Implementation
Here I use a temporary table as a stack: I place all the vowels into the table and then extract one at a time by ordering by the insertion number in descending order, deleting then the letter.CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
pwc254.task2_plpgsql( word text )
output_string text := '';
current_vowel char;
current_index int;
remaining_vowels int;
letter char;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vowels( v char, i serial );
TRUNCATE vowels;
INSERT INTO vowels( v )
FROM regexp_split_to_table( lower( word ), '' ) v
WHERE v IN ( 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' );
FOR letter IN SELECT v FROM regexp_split_to_table( lower( word ), '' ) v LOOP
SELECT count( * )
FROM vowels
INTO remaining_vowels;
IF letter NOT IN ('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' ) OR remaining_vowels = 0 THEN
output_string := output_string || letter;
INTO current_vowel, current_index
FROM vowels
output_string := output_string || current_vowel;
DELETE FROM vowels WHERE i = current_index;
RETURN output_string;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Java Implementations
PWC 254 - Task 1 - PostgreSQL PL/Java Implementation
The implementation is as in PL/Perl.public class Task1 {
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger();
@Function( onNullInput = RETURNS_NULL, effects = IMMUTABLE )
public static final boolean task1_pljava( int num ) throws SQLException {
for ( int i = 2; i < Math.sqrt( num ); i++ )
if ( Math.pow( i, 3 ) == num )
return true;
return false;
PWC 254 - Task 2 - PostgreSQL PL/Java Implementation
Here I use an utility methodisVowel
to compact the code and test if a given letter is a vowel. Then, the approach is similar to PL/perl.
public static final String task2_pljava( String word ) throws SQLException {
String result = "";
Stack<String> vowels = new Stack<String>();
for ( String letter : word.split( "" ) ) {
if ( isVowel( letter ) )
vowels.push( letter );
for ( String letter : word.split( "" ) ) {
if ( ! isVowel( letter ) || vowels.empty() )
result += letter;
result += vowels.pop();
return result;
public static final boolean isVowel( String letter ) {
return letter.toLowerCase().equals( "a" )
|| letter.toLowerCase().equals( "e" )
|| letter.toLowerCase().equals( "i" )
|| letter.toLowerCase().equals( "o" )
|| letter.toLowerCase().equals( "u" );
Python Implementations
PWC 254 - Task 1 - Python Implementation
Same implementatin as in PL/Perl.import sys
import math
# task implementation
# the return value will be printed
def task_1( args ):
num = int( args[ 0 ] )
for i in range( 2, int( math.sqrt( num ) ) ):
if ( i ** 3 ) == num:
return True
return False
# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
print( task_1( sys.argv[ 1: ] ) )
PWC 254 - Task 2 - Python Implementation
Same idea as in PL/Perl, but note how difficult it is to get the reversed list of vowels!import sys
# task implementation
# the return value will be printed
def task_2( args ):
word = args[ 0 ].lower()
vowels = list( reversed( list( filter( lambda x: x in ('a','e','i','o','u'), word ) ) ) )
output = ''
for letter in word:
if letter not in ( 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' ) or len( vowels ) == 0:
output += letter
output += vowels.pop( 0 )
return output
# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
print( task_2( sys.argv[ 1: ] ) )