Deleting all associations (bridge) with DBIx::Class (avoid delet_all!)

Shame on me! I was kicked by this bug for weeks before realizing that I was using the great DBIx::Class in the wrong way. I have two ResultSet classes: Publication and Classifiction, tied by a many-to-many association. For some strange reason, sometime, I was loosing records on the Classification table, thus making all my tests to fail. It took me a lot to understand what was going on. I had the idea that, while doing a bulk loading of Publication something was going wrong, and in fact I was deleting all the associations with a Classification every time a publication was re-loaded. So chances were there was a CASCADE somewhere, but unluckily this was not the case:

package Fluca::Schema::Result::Publication;
# ...
  { "foreign.publication" => "" },
  { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },

In order to catch the bug, once it was clear to me that the bulk loading was the responsible, or better, the moment at which classifications were disappearing, I decided to give a run using DBIC_TRACE environment variable. This is a special variable that, once set, makes DBIx::Class to output on standard error every SQL query it is executing. The problem was, as you can imagine, that a bulk loading involves a lot of queries and a lot of objects, so it was not possible for a mere mortal to read the queries while scrolling on the screen. Quite easy, though, to redirect the standard error to a huge text log:

% perl > dbic.log 2>&1

Then I searched for a DELETE FROM j_publication_classification and, with my great surprise, I found out a set of DELETE FROM publication queries. Clearly, such queries were the responsible of loosing the Classification records in the database. Therefore, I digged the code in order to see what was happening within the point were the DELETE were issued, and I found the following line:


I was jumping, thru a DBIx::Class::Relationship to the Classification and deleting them all! That’s why I was loosing records. But why did I use delet_all to remove the associations at first? Because if you have a has-many relationship, that is what works. However, if the relationship is a many-to-many, thus using a bridge, the correct way to delete only the associations (i.e., to some extent, the bridges) is to use set_xxx accessor. When you add a many-to-many association, DBIx::Class adds an add_ and an set_ methods to work with related objects. Therefore, the correct solution was:

$publication->set_associrations( [] );

Note that you need to pass an explicit empty list, or the method will complain if no argument is given. With this piece of code, the associations are deleted.


DBIx::Class is a very great tool, but sometimes I need to start over with a clear mindset probably abused by years using other ORM technologies!

The article Deleting all associations (bridge) with DBIx::Class (avoid delet_all!) has been posted by Luca Ferrari on January 24, 2024

Tags: perl