Perl Weekly Challenge 242: grepping the arrays for fun and profit!

This post presents my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 242.
I keep doing the Perl Weekly Challenge in order to mantain my coding skills in good shape, as well as in order to learn new things, with particular regard to Raku, a language that I love.
This week, I solved the following tasks:
The PL/Perl implementations are very similar to a pure Perl implementation, even if the PostgreSQL environment could involve some more constraints. Similarly, the PL/PgSQL implementations help me keeping my PostgreSQL programming skills in good shape.

Raku Implementations

PWC 242 - Task 1 - Raku Implementation

The first task was to take two arrays of integers, and print out which elements of the first array were missing in the second array and vice-versa.

sub MAIN( Str $left, Str $right ) {

    my @left = $left.split( ',' ).map( *.Int );
    my @right = $right.split( ',' ).map( *.Int );

    my ( @missing-left, @missing-right );

    @missing-left.push: $_ if ( ! @left.grep( $_ ) )  for @right;
    @missing-right.push: $_ if ( ! @right.grep( $_ ) )  for @left;

    ( @missing-left, @missing-right ).say;

Since Raku allows a postfix for with an attached if, it becomes quite simple to build up the missing arrays when the grep fails to find an element of the first array into the second.

PWC 242 - Task 2 - Raku Implementation

The second task was about flipping a matrix given as input: each row has to be reversed from left to right and every binary digit has to be negated.

sub MAIN() {

    my @matrix =  [ 1, 1, 0 ],
		  [ 0, 1, 1 ],
		  [ 0, 0, 1 ],

    my @output;
    for @matrix -> $row {
		my $new-row = $ { $_ == 0 ?? 1 !! 0 } );
		@output.push: [ $new-row ];

    @output.join( "\n" ).say;

I decided to transform every row of the matrix into a string, to flip it, break again into pieces by means of comb, and map every element negating it. The new row is then placed into an output array to be printed out.

PL/Perl Implementations

PWC 242 - Task 1 - PL/Perl Implementation

The implementation is the same as in the Raku part, it is only a little more verbose since in Perl you cannot have a postfix for with an attached if.

pwc242.task1_plperl( int[], int[] )
RETURNS TABLE( left int[], right int[] )
   my ( $left, $right ) = @_;

   my $missing_left = [];
   my $missing_right = [];

   for my $current ( $left->@* ) {
       push $missing_right->@*, $current if ( ! grep( { $_ == $current } $right->@* ) );

   for my $current ( $right->@* ) {
       push $missing_left->@*, $current if ( ! grep( { $_ == $current } $left->@* ) );

   return_next( { left => $missing_left,
   		  right => $missing_right } );

   return undef;
LANGUAGE plperl;

PWC 242 - Task 2 - PL/Perl Implementation

Same approach as the Raku one, where I stringify the matrix row, I flip it and split again to remap to something different.

pwc242.task2_plperl( int[] )
   my ( $matrix ) = @_;

   my $output;

   for my $row ( $matrix->@* ) {
       push $output->@*,
       	    [ map { $_ == 0 ? 1 : 0 } split( //, reverse( join( '', $row->@* ) ) ) ];


   return $output;
LANGUAGE plperl;

PostgreSQL Implementations

PWC 242 - Task 1 - PL/PgSQL Implementation

A single query to the rescue: I append the output of a first query to the second one.

pwc242.task1_plpgsql( left_array int[], right_array int[] )
RETURNS TABLE( which_array text, v int )
	FROM  unnest( left_array ) la
	WHERE la NOT IN ( SELECT unnest( right_array ) )


	FROM  unnest( right_array ) ra
	WHERE ra NOT IN ( SELECT unnest( left_array ) );

The idea is that every query extracts from an array only the elements that don’t match the other array. I use a text column to indicate from where the result comes from.

PWC 242 - Task 2 - PL/PgSQL Implementation

In this implementation I iterate over every row of the matrix and build an array of the reversed values to return at each iteration.

pwc242.task2_plpgsql( matrix int[], l int )
	current_row text;
	current int;
	index int;
	to_return int;
	result int[];
	index := 1;
	current_row := '';

	FOREACH current IN ARRAY matrix LOOP
		current_row := current_row || current::text;
		IF index = l THEN
		   -- the row is now complete, flip and split
		   result := array[]::int[];
		   FOREACH to_return IN ARRAY regexp_split_to_array( reverse( current_row ), '' ) LOOP
		   	   IF to_return = 1 THEN
			      result := array_append( result, 0 );
			      result := array_append( result, 1 );
			   END IF;
		   END LOOP;

		   RETURN NEXT result;

		   -- start over
		   current_row := '';
		   index := 1;
    		   index := index + 1;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Note that, since PL/PgSQL does not allow for multidimensional array, I have to split the incoming monodimensional array into a matrix by meaning of an incoming argument l that represents the length of the array. I still stringify the initial row content and use reverse to flip it, then splitting by means of regexp_split_to_array.

Python Implementations

PWC 242 - Task 1 - Python Implementation

A really verbose implementation, because of the need to extract the two arrays from the command line arguments. I assume that every array is divided by a '|' on the command line, so the first loop is used only to build the arrays.

import sys

# task implementation
def main( argv ):
    left = []
    right = []
    is_left = True
    for current in argv:
        if current != '|':
            if ( is_left ):
                left.append( int( current ) )
                right.append( int( current ) )
            is_left = False

    missing_left = []
    missing_right = []

    for current in left:
        if not current in right:
            missing_left.append( current )

    for current in right:
        if not current in left:
            missing_right.append( current )

    print( ",".join( map( str, missing_left ) ) )
    print( ",".join( map( str, missing_right ) ) )

# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
    main( sys.argv[ 1: ] )

Python does not have a grep like function, but the in operator does what you could expect and checks the presence of an alement in the other array.

PWC 242 - Task 2 - Python Implementation

Similarly to the previous one, I assume that a '|' on the command line arguments means that the matrix row is complete, so in the beginning I loop to build up the matrix multidimensional array, Then I define a task2 function that, given an input number, returns the string representing the binary reversed (negated) value. I return a string to make join happier later on. Last, I use map with my defined function to remap the reversed array representing a single row and print it out.

import sys

# task implementation
def main( argv ):
    matrix = []
    current_row = 0

    matrix.append( [] )
    for current in argv:
        if current != '|':
            matrix[ current_row ].append( int( current ) )
            current_row += 1
            matrix.append( [] )

    # inner function to use with map
    # returns a string to make join happy!
    def task2(n):
        if n == 1:
            return "0"
            return "1"

    for current_row in matrix:
        print( ",".join( map( task2, reversed( current_row ) ) ) )

# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
    main( sys.argv[ 1: ] )

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 242: grepping the arrays for fun and profit! has been posted by Luca Ferrari on November 6, 2023