A Possible Way to Implement a Shift Function in PL/PgSql (part 2)

After my post about how to implement a shift like operation in PostgreSQL I got some comments and suggestions, most notably a pure SQL implementation provided by Stefan Stefanov, tho whom belongs the credits for the solution, and that allowed me to explain in this (second) article on the subject.
In the following you will find the Stefan Stefanov’s solution, a PL/Perl implementation I made in the meantime, and a little benchmarking to see how all the approaches compare to each other.

A pure SQL Implementation (credits to Stefan Stefanov)

The following is the function proposed by Stefan Stefanov:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_shift(arr anyarray, loops integer DEFAULT 1)
 RETURNS TABLE(head anyelement, tail anyarray)
AS $function$

   with arr_tbl(el, arr_index) as (
       select * from unnest(arr) with ordinality
   select (select el from arr_tbl where arr_index = loops), 
          (select array_agg(el order by arr_index) 
		          from arr_tbl where arr_index > loops);

As you can see, this is a very clever approach that exploits only SELECT statements to get the final result. The arr_tbl CTE explodes the array by means of the PostgreSQL builting unnest function, and returns the array as a table with the ordinality, that is an automatically added column that works as a row number. The output of the CTE is similar to the following one:

testdb=> select * from unnest( array['alfa','beta', 'gamma' ] ) with ordinality;
 unnest | ordinality 
 alfa   |          1
 beta   |          2
 gamma  |          3
(3 rows)

The main SELECT performs the selection of two different columns, both extracted by a subquery. The first subquery extracts the last element from the shift operation, that is the one with the ordinality (i.e., row number) equal to the number of loops. Assuming loops = 2, it extracts the beta value from the above table. This is what I called the head in my functions.
The other subquery extracts the elements with the ordinality greater than the number of shifts, that is all the remaining elements, and then re-agrgegates them into an array by means of the PostgreSQL builtin array_agg function.
The beauty of this idea is that everything is built on top of queries, that is the array is transformed into a table and then back into an array, but all the computation is done as cascading SELECT.

A PL/Perl implementation

Since Perl comes with a natural shift operator, why not using it as a wrapper to shift a PostgreSQL array?
The only drawback of this approach is that PL/Perl does not allow to pass an anyarray argument to a function, so there is the need to make an array-specific implementation:

shift_plperl(  text[],
                int default 1 )
RETURNS TABLE( head text, tail text[] )
   my ( $array, $loops ) = @_;
   my ( $head );

   $head = shift $array->@* for ( 1 .. $loops );
   return_next( { head => $head, tail => $array } );
   return undef;
LANGUAGE plperl;

The tests

The tests have been done, as in the previous post, with a block code similar to the following:

testdb=> DO LANGUAGE plpgsql
        a text[];
        ts_begin timestamp;
        ts_end   timestamp;
        iter     int;
        i        int;

        iter := 7000;

        -- initialize the array
        ts_begin := clock_timestamp();
        SELECT '{' || string_agg( v::text, ',' ) || '}'
        INTO a
        FROM generate_series( 1, iter / 2 + 5 ) v;
        ts_end := clock_timestamp();

        RAISE INFO 'Array allocation = %', ( ts_end - ts_begin );

		RAISE INFO 'Using shift for % iterations over % elements = %',
                   array_length( a, 1 ),
                   ( ts_end - ts_begin );

        ts_begin := clock_timestamp();
        FOR i IN 1 .. iter LOOP
            PERFORM shiftx( a, iter / 2 );
        END LOOP;
        ts_end := clock_timestamp();

        ts_begin := clock_timestamp();
        FOR i IN 1 .. iter LOOP
            PERFORM shiftx( a, iter / 2 );
        END LOOP;
        ts_end := clock_timestamp();

        RAISE INFO 'Using shiftx for % iterations over % elements = %',
                   array_length( a, 1 ),
                   ( ts_end - ts_begin );

        ts_begin := clock_timestamp();
        for i in 1 .. iter loop
                perform array_shift( a, iter / 2 );
        end loop;
        ts_end := clock_timestamp();

        RAISE INFO 'Using array_shift for % iterations over % elements = %',
                   iter, array_length( a, iter / 2 ),
                        ( ts_end - ts_begin );

        ts_begin := clock_timestamp();
        for i in 1 .. iter loop
                perform shift_plperl( a, iter / 2 );
        end loop;
        ts_end := clock_timestamp();

        RAISE INFO 'Using array_shift for % iterations over % elements = %',
                   iter, array_length( a, 1 ),
                        ( ts_end - ts_begin );


where changing the iter variable makes the code to run more shifts against the same array. In the following table, I show some results made on the same tiny crappy virtual machine. Please consider that the function used are:
  • shift a PL/PgSQL iteration based approach where, at each iteration the leftmost element of the array is removed;
  • shiftx a PL/PgSQL approach that slices the array;
  • array_shift is the PL/PgSQL function that executes the single query proposed by Stefan Stefanov;
  • shift_plperl a PL/Perl function that exploits the shift Perl operator.

Iterations shifts shift shiftx array_shift shift_plperl
2000 1000 23.03905 secs 00.007952 secs 00.518305 secs 00.604843 secs
5000 2500 05:44.236687 mins 00.020937 secs 03.039885 secs 03.672881 secs
7000 3500 15:23.3999 mins 00.033396 secs 05.97662 secs 07.132485 secs
8000 4000 23:02.73513 mins 00.044517 secs 07.445447 secs 10.236968 secs
10000 5000 44:46.496029 mins 00.048962 secs 12.211704 secs 15.091066 secs
12000 6000 01:16:53.758594 hours 00.060169 secs 17.198828 secs 20.911864 secs

Long story short: the PL/PgSQL iteration based approach (shift) is by far the slowest approach, while the array-slice approach (shiftx) is the fastest one. The PL/Perl and query-only approach are comparable, with the latter being a little faster than the former probably due to PL/Perl requiring to marshall the arguments in and out of the function.
Clearly, the above is not a complete benchmarking, and has not been executed multiple times to get average results. However, the above does suffice in providing an idea of how the different approaches relate to each other.

Where is the SQL based solution spending its time?

It’s interesting to try to understand where Stefan Stefanov’s solution is spending most of its execution time, and EXPLAIN comes to a rescue here.

testdb=> explain analyze with 
   arr as ( select array_agg( v ) v from generate_series( 1, 100000 ) v )
   ,arr_tbl(el, arr_index) as (
       select u.* from unnest( (select * from arr) ) with ordinality u 
   select (select el from arr_tbl where arr_index = 5000), 
          (select array_agg(el order by arr_index) 
                          from arr_tbl where arr_index > 5000);
                                                                    QUERY PLAN                                                                      
 Result  (cost=1250.60..1250.61 rows=1 width=36) (actual time=105.725..105.727 rows=1 loops=1)
   CTE arr_tbl
     ->  Function Scan on unnest u  (cost=1250.03..1250.13 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=59.127..66.255 rows=100000 loops=1)
           InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
             ->  Aggregate  (cost=1250.01..1250.02 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=51.840..51.841 rows=1 loops=1)
                   ->  Function Scan on generate_series v  (cost=0.00..1000.00 rows=100000 width=4) (actual time=30.879..40.827 rows=100000 loops=1)
   InitPlan 3 (returns $2)
     ->  CTE Scan on arr_tbl  (cost=0.00..0.22 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=60.106..79.291 rows=1 loops=1)
           Filter: (arr_index = 5000)
           Rows Removed by Filter: 99999
   InitPlan 4 (returns $3)
     ->  Aggregate  (cost=0.23..0.24 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=26.330..26.331 rows=1 loops=1)
	   ->  CTE Scan on arr_tbl arr_tbl_1  (cost=0.00..0.22 rows=3 width=12) (actual time=0.270..7.439 rows=95000 loops=1)
                 Filter: (arr_index > 5000)
                 Rows Removed by Filter: 5000
 Planning Time: 0.323 ms
 Execution Time: 106.301 ms


The main node where there is time consuption is the CTE Scan to find out the head: it consumes more than 20 milliseconds. That node is produced by the first main subquery, and it requires a scan of the materialized CTE. Clearly I’m not considering the time consumed to produce the array, i.e., the InitPlan 1, because it is used only to feed the query.


While it is easy enough to implement a shift-like operation for PostgreSQL arrays, either by PL/PgSQL or a nested query, performances will never met the PostgreSQL array slicing.

The article A Possible Way to Implement a Shift Function in PL/PgSql (part 2) has been posted by Luca Ferrari on August 3, 2023