PgTraining online webinar on 2023-04-14 (Italian)

PgTraining, the amazin italian group of people that spread the word about PostgreSQL and that I joined in the last years, is organizing another online event (webinar) on next 14th April 2023.
Following the success of the previous edition(s), we decided to provide another afternoon full of PostgreSQL talks, in the hope to improve the adoption of this great database.
The event will consist in three hours with talks about PL/Perl, PL/Python and all things news in PostgreSQL 15.
As for the previous editions, the webinar will be presented in Italian. Attendees will be free to actively participate and do questions both during the talks and at the end of the whole event.

In the pure spirit of PgTraining, the event will be free of charge, but it is required to register for participate and the number of available seats is limited, so hurry up and get your free ticket as soon as possible!
The material will be available for free after the event has completed, but no live recording will be available.

The article PgTraining online webinar on 2023-04-14 (Italian) has been posted by Luca Ferrari on February 21, 2023