ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number (DBD ERROR: OCIBindByName)

While I was developing a simple DBI Perl application that was going to insert, thru prepared statements, stuff into an Oracle database, I encountered this error: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number (DBD ERROR: OCIBindByName).
What the hell? I was not using named parameters, but positional ones, and I was not having the colon : in my query statement.
The error showed up once I added a few columns to my INSERT statement, but I was unable to spot it at glance, and no, there was no useless <*> simbol in the Oracle error message.
The code was something like the following:

my $sql =<<"SQL";
INSERT INTO foo( a, b, c )

$statement = $database->prepare( $sql );

# ...
my @values = ( $item->{ a }, 'foo', $stuff );
$statement->execute( @values ) or die "Damn!";

The above is fine, and it works, of course substituting the table and column names with something that does make sense. However, when I added a couple of columns, the error prevented my script to work:

my $sql =<<"SQL";
INSERT INTO foo( a, b, c, d , e )
	   ?, ?

$statement = $database->prepare( $sql );

# ...
my @values = ( $item->{ a }, 'foo', $stuff, $data->{ d }, $prices->{ e } );
$statement->execute( @values ) or die "Damn!";

Can you spot the problem?
I forgot to add a comma , before the first added question mark for the appended new columns!
This is simply a syntactic error, nothing semantic that can deal with binding! Why is it Oracle throwing such a misleading error?
Anyway, double checking the list of question marks and commas fixed the problem.

Oracle is really misleading you

Yes, I think so!
While in the above description the error, related to a missing comma, was referring to a binding problem, if you remove a comma from the list of column names, the error changes to ORA-00917: missing comma (DBD ERROR: error possibly near <*> indicator.
Really Oracle, are you kidding? You can spot a missing comma in the column list but not in the value list?
Now, someone could argue that it is simpler to syntax check the column names list rather than the values, but at least provide an hint explaining that it could be, the user has forgotten a comma!

The article ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number (DBD ERROR: OCIBindByName) has been posted by Luca Ferrari on December 13, 2022