Using table aliases in UPSERTs

PostgreSQL has had the UPSERT feature since a while, now somehow overtaken by the MERGE command.
One interesting feature of UPSERT is that it can quickly help you to implement a counter-like approach, but often you need to use table aliasing in order for the feature to be able to accumulate results.
Allow me to explain with a very simple example: we want to count the occurrencies of every letter into a bunch of text, and we want it to be able to accumulate between different calls. One possible solution is to use a table, even a TEMPORARY one, to store the letter and a counter, and then populate such table. With an UPSERT the thing reduces to:

testdb=> create temp table letters( l char primary key, c int default 0 ) on commit delete rows;

testdb=> begin;

testdb=*> with flow as ( select l, count(*) as n
               from regexp_split_to_table( 'fhcgfeettrrzz', '' ) l
               group by l )
insert into letters as mem  -- table alias
select l, n
from flow
on conflict( l )
do update set c = mem.c + excluded.c; -- accumulate !

-- repeat with different sources of text

testdb=*> table letters;
 l | c
 a | 12
 b | 20
 r |  2
 z |  2
 g |  1
 c |  1
 t |  2
 h |  1
 f | 18
 e | 18
(10 rows)

The flow CTE is simulating our flow of letters, and provides an instant counting of the occurencies. We want such counting to accumulate into the letters table, but we want to use the UPSERT feature. When a conflict is found, over the primary key l, the INSERT degenrates into an UPDATE and the c counter must be increased by the value of the excluded tuple counter. Here arise the problem: how can we refer to the current value of the counter? We need a table aliasing, in our case mem to refer to the current tuple.
If we omit the mem.c from the update statement, the query will refuse to work because there is ambiguity on which tuple column we are referring to:

testdb=*> with flow as ( select l, count(*) as n
               from regexp_split_to_table( 'fhcgfeettrrzz', '' ) l
               group by l )
insert into letters as mem
select l, n
from flow
on conflict( l )
do update set c = c + excluded.c
ERROR:  column reference "c" is ambiguous
LINE 8: do update set c = c + excluded.c

Note that the column name on the left of the assignement does not need to be disambiguated, since it is clear that we are referring to the conflicting tuple we tried to insert.

The article Using table aliases in UPSERTs has been posted by Luca Ferrari on December 7, 2022