Perl Weekly Challenge 188: I have no time this week!

It is sad that, after more than three years of me doing Raku, I still don’t have any production code project to work on. Therefore, in order to keep my coding and Raku-ing (is that a term?) knowdledge, I try to solve every Perl Weekly Challenge tasks.

In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 188.

PWC 188 - Task 1

Given an integer value and a list of integers, find out all the pairs in the list those sum is divisible by the specified integer.

sub MAIN( Bool :$verbose = False, Int :$k, *@list where { @list.elems == @list.grep( * ~~ Int ).elems } ) {
    my @pairs;
    for 0 ..^ @list.elems -> $i {
        for $i ^..^ @list.elems -> $j {
            @pairs.push: [ @list[ $i ], @list[ $j ] ] if ( ( @list[ $i ] + @list[ $j ] ) %% $k );

    @pairs.join( "\n" ).say if ( $verbose );

I decided to collect the pairs into an array named @pairs, so that in $verbose mode I can print out what I found. Thanks to a simple nested loop over the indexes, it is possible to find out the pairs that satisfy the condition.

PWC 188 - Task 2

Given two integers, find out how many operations are required to drop them both to zero, given that only one itneger can change at a given time depending on which one is greater than the other.

sub MAIN( Int $x is copy where { $x > 0 },
          Int $y is copy where { $y > 0 },
          Bool :$verbose = False ) {

    my @status;
    my $step = 0;
    while ( $x > 0 && $y > 0 ) {
        $x = $x - $y and @status.push( [ $x, $y ] ) if $x >= $y;
        $y = $y - $x and @status.push( [ $x, $y ] ) if $y >= $x;

    @status.push: [ $x, $y ] if ( $x + $y != 0 && any( $x, $y ) == 0 );

    @status.join( "\n" ).say if $verbose;

I saved every step and their values into the @status array, so that I can print out the evolution of values. The only thing to note is that when the while ends, there could be the need to store the last pair of values if they are still not to zero.

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 188: I have no time this week! has been posted by Luca Ferrari on October 30, 2022