PostgreSQL 15: changes in the public schema permissions

In PostgreSQL 15 the default public schema that every database has will have a different set of permissions. In fact, before PostgreSQL 15, every user could manipulate the public schema of a database he is not owner. Since the upcoming new version, only the database owner will be granted full access to the public schema, while other users will need to get an explicit GRANT:
Imagine the user luca is owner of the database testdb: it means he can do whatever he wants on the database.

testdb=> SHOW server_version;
(1 row)

testdb=> SELECT current_role, current_user;
 current_role | current_user
 luca         | luca
(1 row)

testdb=> CREATE TABLE mytable( t text );

On the other hand, another user, let’s say pgbench, cannot:

testdb=> SELECT current_role, current_user;
 current_role | current_user
 pgbench      | pgbench
(1 row)

testdb=> CREATE TABLE mytable2( t text );
ERROR:  permission denied for schema public
LINE 1: CREATE TABLE mytable2( t text );

testdb=> select * from mytable;
ERROR:  permission denied for table mytable

That means that public is not managed as a user defined schema, and therefore in order to allow other users to do operations, an explicit GRANT must be executed.
What has changed is that there is no more the CREATE permission on public schema, while YUSAGE is as before. Therefore, in order to allow not-owners to create objects, an explicit GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO pgbench statement myust be executed.
This affects newly created databases, not those restored from previous backups.
But there is a trick that could help in setting back the previous behavior: if you set the permissions on the template1 (or in a template database) you could have them for free on new databases:


template1=# CREATE DATABASE newdb WITH OWNER luca;

And now, collecting as not-owning user:

% psql -U pgbench -h localhost newdb

newdb=> create table foo( i int );

the permissions are as in previous PostgreSQL versions.
It is not clear if the above trick will remain in place once the PostgreSQL version exists the beta status, in any case I discourage you to adopt it. The choice of revoking by default privileges on the `public` schmea could be annoying, but is a good choice in term of security and forces you to decide how to deal with permissions.

The article PostgreSQL 15: changes in the public schema permissions has been posted by Luca Ferrari on July 15, 2022