Perl Weekly Challenge 161: words
It is sad that, after more than two years of me doing Raku, I still don’t have any production code project to work on. Therefore, in order to keep my coding and Raku-ing (is that a term?) knowdledge, I try to solve every Perl Weekly Challenge tasks.In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 161.
and for the sake of some Perl 5, let’s do some stuff also in PostgreSQL Pl/Perl:
Last, the solutions in PostgreSQL PL/PgSQL:
PWC 161 - Task 1
The first task was about finding out abecedarian words from an established dictionary. The idea is to find out if a word has a sequence of letter already sorted. This is not that much complex in Raku, and in fact, part of the code is to check out if the dictionary file has been given correctly or not. I check every word in the dictionary splitting it into its set of letters, than sorting such letters and re-joining them into a word: if the initial word is equal to the obtained one than the letters are sorted.I place the word into an array within an hash, the hash is keyed by the length of the word. This will allow me to print all the words with the same length into a block.
sub MAIN( Str $dictionary-file-name? = '../../data/dictionary.txt' ) {
die "\nCannot find the dictionary [$dictionary-file-name]\n" if ! $dictionary-file-name || ! $dictionary-file-name.IO.f;
# store the length and the list (array) of words for such length
my %abecedarian-words;
for $dictionary-file-name.IO.lines -> $word {
# a word is abecedarian if the sorted letter composed word
# is equal to the word itself
%abecedarian-words{ $word.chars }.push: $word if ( $word.comb.sort.join ~~ $word );
# print the length and the list of words
"( $_ ):\n { %abecedarian-words{ $_ }.join( ',' ) }".say for %abecedarian-words.keys.sort;
PWC 161 - Task 2
This task was about producing pangrams, a sentence where the words make the appearance of at least every letter in the alphabet. This a simplistic implementation, since it is not required to produce a sentence with a sense!The task needs to use the same dictionary provided by the challenge.
sub MAIN( Str $dictionary? = '../../data/dictionary.txt' ){
die "\nCannot find dictionary [$dictionary]" if ( ! $dictionary || ! $dictionary.IO.f );
# read all the words in alphabetical order
my @words = $dictionary.IO.lines.sort;
my @letters = 'a' .. 'z' ;
my @found;
for @letters {
# avoid to search a word if I've already one that
# covers the current letter
next if @found.grep( * ~~ / $_ / );
# now search a new word
@found.push: @words.grep( * ~~ / $_ / ).pick;
# all done
@found.join( ' ' ).say;
Here I do iterate over all the letters, and search for a word that contains the current letter
only if I’ve not found already a word that contains such letter.
I push every word into an array @found
and then print it as a sentence.
PWC 161 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL PL/Perl
Please note that I’ve used adictionary
table that contains, one tuple per line, the words from the input file. I’m gonig to use such table in all the PostgreSQL related examples!
In order to load the table easily, you can do something like the following:
% psql -h miguel -U luca -c 'create schema pwc161;' testdb
% psql -h miguel -U luca -c 'create table pwc161.dictionary( word text );' testdb
$ psql -h miguel -U luca \
-c 'COPY pwc161.dictionary( word ) FROM STDIN;' testdb \
< ../../data/dictionary.txt
The you are going to have a table with a single column,
that contains all the same data of the already mentioned text file.
The implementation of this task is pretty much the same as the Raku counterpart:
my $query = spi_query( 'SELECT word FROM pwc161.dictionary ORDER BY length( word ) ASC' );
while ( defined ( $row = spi_fetchrow( $query ) ) ) {
my @letters = split //, $row->{ word };
return_next( $row->{ word } ) if ( $row->{ word } eq join( '', sort( @letters ) ) );
return undef;
LANGUAGE plperl;
The words are extracted via a specific query using the
function, that prepares the query, and then a tuple (i.e., a word) at a time is extracted via spi_fetchrow
internal function.
The word is contained into $row->{ word ]
and I compare it against the join
of the split
into letters that are sort
ed. If they match, the function returns a new value appending it into the result set.
PWC 161 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL Pl/Perl
An implementation similar to the Raku one:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pwc161.pangrams()
my @found;
for my $letter ( 'a' .. 'z' ){
my $query = spi_query( "SELECT word FROM pwc161.dictionary WHERE word like '%$letter%' order by random()" );
while ( defined ( $row = spi_fetchrow( $query ) ) ) {
# first word ever
push @found, $row->{ word } and return_next( $row->{ word } ) if ! @found;
next if grep /$letter/, @found;
# add the word
push @found, $row->{ word };
return_next( $row->{ word } );
return undef;
LANGUAGE plperl;
I do loop on every letter, and for each letter I do a single query to get a randomly chosen word that contains such letter. If I’ve already found such letter, than I skip to the next letter, otherwise I append the word to the result set. The aim of the
array is just to smake the decision about seen words and letters, and thus to skip to another letter.
PWC 161 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL Pl/PgSQL
The task can be solved with a single SQL query:WITH words( word, size, sorted, unsorted )
AS (
select word, length( word ),
array( select regexp_split_to_table( word, '' ) order by 1 ) as sorted,
regexp_split_to_array( word, '' ) as unsorted
from pwc161.dictionary )
select word, size
from words
where sorted = unsorted
order by word, size asc;
CTE provides every word, along with its size (in chars), its list of letters (as unsorted array) and its listed list of letters. Note how the trick to sort the letters is to split the rod into a table, sort by ORDER BY
and reconstruct it as an array with the ARRAY
Having doing this, it is possible to extract the words where the sorted and unsorted arrays have the same value (the
operator against arrays provide a deep element-by-element comparison), sorting it by the length of each word.
PWC 161 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL Pl/PgSQL
This is a straightforward implementation that reminds the PL/Perl one:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
start_letter int;
end_letter int;
letter char;
current_word pwc161.dictionary%rowtype;
found_words text;
start_letter := ascii( 'a' );
end_letter := ascii( 'z' );
FOR l IN start_letter .. end_letter LOOP
letter := chr( l );
IF found_words LIKE '%' || letter || '%' THEN
INTO current_word
FROM pwc161.dictionary
WHERE word like '%' || letter || '%'
found_words := found_words || ' ' || current_word;
RETURN NEXT current_word.word;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Since in PostgreSQL PL/PgSQL the
can loop only over ranges of integers, I use two variables start_letter
and end_letter
, to contain the ASCII value of the letters ‘a’ and ‘z’. Then, with the chr()
function I can get back a character from a codepoint (well, an ASCII value).
After that I extract a randomly chosen single word from the
table, and put it into the current_word
variable. It is just a matter to append the current extracted word to the result set to get the job done.
The aim of found_words
is to represent a huge string with the selected-so-far words in order to be able to skip the searching for a word if a letter has been already coverd.