Perl Weekly Challenge 159: numbers and numbers

It is sad that, after more than two years of me doing Raku, I still don’t have any production code project to work on. Therefore, in order to keep my coding and Raku-ing (is that a term?) knowdledge, I try to solve every Perl Weekly Challenge tasks.

In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 159.

and for the sake of some Perl 5, let’s do some stuff also in PostgreSQL Pl/Perl:
Last, the solutions in PostgreSQL PL/PgSQL:

PWC 159 - Task 1

It has been harder to understand what to implement than to implement it! The task was about producing a Farey sequence, that is a sequence of fractions in increasing order of value, starting from 0/1 to 1/1 and with unique values.

sub MAIN( Int $n where { $n > 0 } ) {
    my $start = 0/1.Rat;
    my $end   = 1/1.Rat;

    my @farey = $start, $end;

    for 2 ..  $n -> $denominator {
        @farey.push( |( 1 .. $denominator ).map: * / $denominator );
    }  *.nude.join( '/' ) ).say;

The for loop generates all the fractions for any order, and that I do extract all unique numbers, sort them and map to their nude representation that is an array of numerator and denominator that are then joined by /.

PWC 159 - Task 2

A Mobius number is a number within 0,1,-1 depending on the size of the list of its prime numbers and the free square roots.

sub prime-factors( Int $n ) {
    my $number = $n;
    my @factors;

    my $factor = 2;
    while ( $number > 1 && $factor <= $number ) {
        if ( $number %% $factor ) {
            @factors.push: $factor;
            $number /= $factor;
        else {

    return @factors;

sub MAIN( Int $n where { $n > 0 } ) {

    my @prime-factors = prime-factors( $n );
    '0'.say and exit if @prime-factors.elems != @prime-factors.unique.elems;
    '1'.say and exit if @prime-factors.unique.elems %% 2;
    '-1'.say and exit;


The function prime-factors computes the prime factors array for the given number. Then it is just a matter to see the length of such list compared against the unique list of such factors.

PWC 159 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL PL/Perl

An implementation that relies only on Perl operators and that returns a list of text representing the fractions. I use an hash, %farey, indexed by a fraction and that has a value representing the fraction as a string. Note that I do simplify every fraction to its minimum term before inserting into the hash.
Next I do extract information about occurencies of a term, that is %unique_counter contains the fraction as a key and the occurencies as a value. The first time a fraction is encountered, it is appended to the result set, then it is skipped.
Therefore, the function can return the values (as text) of every unique fraction.

pwc159.farey( int )
   my ($n) = @_;

   my %farey;

   for my $denominator ( 2 .. $n ) {
       for my $number ( 1 .. $denominator ) {

           # reduce things like 2/4 to 1/2
          ( $denominator, $number ) /= $number       if ( $denominator % $number == 0 );
          ( $denominator, $number ) /= $denominator  if ( $number % $denominator == 0 );

           $farey{ $number/$denominator } = "$number/$denominator";

   # bootstrap
   return_next( '0/1' );

   my %unique_counter;
   for my $key ( sort keys( %farey ) ) {
       # ensure only one item is printed out
       $unique_counter{ $key }++;
       next if $unique_counter{ $key } > 1;
       next if $key == 1;  # last term in the sequence

       return_next( $farey{ $key } );

   # end term
   return_next( '1/1' );
   return undef;
LANGUAGE plperl;

PWC 159 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL Pl/Perl

An implementation similar to the Raku one, but in pure Perl.
The $prime_factors is an anonymous function to compute the hash of prime factors of the given number. The hash is indexed by the factor and has the occurencies as value. Then I do convert the hash into an array @unique_prime_factors by iterating on the keys of the previous hash, and counting also the total amount of terms in the factorization.
Last it is only a matter of understanding the size of the @unique_orime_factors list.

pwc159.mobius( int )

   my ( $n ) = @_;

   # a routine to compute the prime
   # factors of the given number
   my $prime_factors = sub {
      my ( $number ) = @_;
      my %factors;

      my $factor = 2;
      while (  $number > 1 && $factor <= $number ) {
            if ( $number % $factor == 0 ) {
               $factors{ $factor }++;
               $number /= $factor;
            else {

      return %factors;

   my %prime_factors = $prime_factors->( $n );

   # to get the unique prime factors I have to "count"
   # them only once per key
   my @unique_prime_factors;
   my $occurrencies_prime_factors = 0;
   for ( keys %prime_factors ) {
       push @unique_prime_factors, $_;
       $occurrencies_prime_factors += $prime_factors{ $_ };

   return 0 if @unique_prime_factors != $occurrencies_prime_factors;
   return 1 if @unique_prime_factors % 2 == 0;
   return -1;

LANGUAGE plperl;

PWC 159 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL Pl/PgSQL

This implementation is done in two steps:
  • the farey_not_unique function provides a set of not-unique values, where f is the text representation of the fraction, and v is the value computed of the fraction;
  • the SQL query does a materialization of the order by value query and provides the distinct set of fractions.

pwc159.farey_not_unique( n int )
RETURNS TABLE( f text, v numeric )
     numerator   int;
     denominator int;
     dd          int;
     nn          int;

        -- bootstrap term
        SELECT '0/1', 0
        INTO f, v;

        RETURN NEXT;

        FOR denominator IN 2 .. n  LOOP
            FOR numerator IN  1 .. denominator  LOOP
                nn := numerator;
                dd := denominator;

                IF dd % nn = 0 THEN
                   dd := dd / nn;
                   nn := 1;
                END IF;

                IF nn % dd = 0 THEN
                   nn := nn / dd;
                   dd := 1;
                END IF;

                IF nn / dd = 1 THEN
                END IF;

                SELECT nn || '/' || dd, nn/dd::numeric
                INTO  f, v;

                RETURN NEXT;

            END LOOP;
        END LOOP;

        -- end term
        SELECT '1/1', 1
        INTO f, v;

        RETURN NEXT;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

WITH farey AS (
     SELECT distinct( f ), v
     FROM pwc159.farey_not_unique( 5 )
     ORDER BY v
FROM farey;

PWC 159 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL Pl/PgSQL

Here there’s a prime_factors function that returns the list, as integers, of the prime factors of a given number. The SQL query then counts the number of prime factors and the number of unique factors, exported as cc and c respectively. Last, a CASE statement does the trick of converting the number of prime factors into a 1 or -1 or 0'. <br/> Note the usage of a psql variable :n that is used to set the value to use within the query, by means of a \set directive. That's psql code, so in order to use the same query into another client, please substitute :n` with the value you want to test.

pwc159.prime_factors( n int )
        factor int;
        factor := 2;

        WHILE ( factor <= n AND n > 1 ) LOOP
              IF n % factor = 0 THEN
                 n := n / factor;
                 RETURN NEXT factor;
                factor := factor + 1;
              END IF;
        END LOOP;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

\set n 5

WITH count_prime_factors(  c, cc ) AS
        SELECT count( distinct pf ), count( pf )
        FROM pwc159.prime_factors( :n ) pf
SELECT :n AS number,
       WHEN c - cc <> 0 THEN 0
       WHEN c % 2  = 0  THEN 1
       ELSE -1

FROM count_prime_factors;

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 159: numbers and numbers has been posted by Luca Ferrari on April 4, 2022