Perl Weekly Challenge 155: Fortune and Pisano in Primes

It is sad that, after more than two years of me doing Raku, I still don’t have any production code project to work on. Therefore, in order to keep my coding and Raku-ing (is that a term?) knowdledge, I try to solve every Perl Weekly Challenge tasks.

In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 155.

and for the sake of some Perl 5, let’s do some stuff also in PostgreSQL Pl/Perl:

PWC 155 - Task 1

Not so hard: compute the Fortunate numbers, those numbers that sum with a pn give a prime number. Here, pn stands for the multiplication of all n prime numbers. The task added to find out all first 8 unique Fortunate numbers.

sub MAIN( Int $limit where { $limit > 0 } = 8 ) {
    my @fortunate-numbers = lazy gather {
        for 2 .. Inf {
            my @pn = ( 1 .. $_ ).grep: *.is-prime;
            next if ! @pn;
            for @pn.max + 1 .. Inf -> $m {
                take $m and last if ( ( [*] @pn ) + $m ).is-prime;

    my @unique-fortunate-numbers;
    my $last-number = 0;
    while ( @unique-fortunate-numbers.elems < $limit ) {
        my $fortunate = @fortunate-numbers[ $last-number++ ];
        @unique-fortunate-numbers.push: $fortunate if ! @unique-fortunate-numbers.grep: * ~~ $fortunate;

    @unique-fortunate-numbers[ 0 .. $limit ].sort.join( "\n" ).say;

The @fortunate-numbers is a lazy array computed by means of @pn, which is the list of all prime numbers up to a given number, and then a new loop is done to find out the smallest $m number greater than any value in @pn that, when summed with the multiplication of all values in @pn gives a prime.
To find out only unique numbers, I loop again to build a @unique-fortunate-numbers array and stop the searching for as soon as the elements in the array are at the limit.

PWC 155 - Task 2

Pisano Period: finding out the repetition of the sequence of Fibonacci when every element is modulo a given number.

sub MAIN( Int $nth where { $nth >= 3 } = 3,
          Int $accuracy where { $accuracy > 1 } = 5,
          Bool :$verbose = False ) {

    my @fibonacci = 0, 1, 1, 2, * + * ... *;
    my @pisano    = * % 3;

    # with nth >= 3 the period is always even
    my $period = 2;

    # build $accuracy arrays to check
    my @checking.push: @pisano[ ( 0 + $period * $_ ) .. ( $period * ( $_  + 1 ) ) - 1 ] for 1 .. $accuracy;

    # while the array are not all the same, grow them and recheck
    while ( not [eqv] @checking ) {
        $period += 2;
        @checking = ();
        @checking.push: @pisano[ ( 0 + $period * $_ ) .. ( $period * ( $_  + 1 ) ) - 1 ] for 1 .. $accuracy;

    @checking.join( "\n" ).join( ',' ).say if $verbose;
    "Pisano period $nth is $period".say;


The idea is to build a lazy sequence @pisano that maps every element of the Fibonacci’s serie modulo 3 as asked. Since, when the modulo applied is greater or equal to 3, the period (i.e., the size of repeating part of the sequence) is always even, I start with a $period of 2. Then I extract a number of arrays of size $period equal in number to $accuracy, e.g., 5 arrays of size 2. Last, I check if the extracted array are all the same, i.e., are eqv. If they are, the $period is found, otherwise I increase the period of a even value and do it again.

PWC 155 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL

Pure Pl/Perl implementation, with a single function (that has nested anonymous subs).

pwc155.fortunate( int )

# a subroutine to see if a number
# is prime
my $is_prime = sub {
   return 1 if $_[0] == 1;
   return 1 if $_[0] == 2;
   for my $i ( 2 .. $_[0] - 1 ) {
       return 0 if $_[0] % $i == 0;

   return 1;

# generates the first n primes
my $generate_primes = sub {
   my @primes;
   for my $p ( 2 .. 99999 ) {
       push @primes, $p if $is_prime->( $p );
       return @primes if @primes == $_[0];

my $max = sub {
   my $max = 0;
   for (@_) {
       $max = $_ if $_ > $max;

   elog( DEBUG, "MAX = $max  in " . join( ',', @_ ) );
   return $max;

my $pn = sub {
   my $result = 1;
   for ( @_ ) {
       $result *= $_;

   return $result;

my $limit = $_[0] || 8;
my %unique;

for my $n ( 1 .. 999999 ) {
    # generate the first n primes
    my @primes = $generate_primes->( $n );
    my $start  = $max->( @primes ) + 1;
    elog( DEBUG, "Primes = " . join( ',', @primes ) . " with max = $start" );
    for my $m ( $start .. 999999 ) {
         my $fortunate = $pn->( @primes ) + $m;
         elog( DEBUG, "Computing $m -> " . $pn->( @primes ) . " + $m = $fortunate = " . $is_prime->( $fortunate ) );
         next if ! $is_prime->( $fortunate );
         $unique{ $m }++;
         next if $unique{ $m } > 1;
         return_next( $m );

    last if $limit <= 0;


return undef;
LANGUAGE plperl;

The function accepts a single argument, that is the number of Fortunate numbers to generate as uniques. There are a couple of inner subs like $max (tom compute the max of an array), $is_prime (to see if a given number is prime and $generate_primes to generate the first n primes.
Last $pn computes the multiplication of a given array.
With that in place, I do loop from 1 to almost a big number (to simulate Inf), compute the primes up to such number, compute the max within such set of primes, and then loop again to search for another number $m that summed to the multiplication of ptrimes gives another prime. If I find, I do return_next to append such value to the result set and exit the innermost loop, that is I start over computing a larger set of primes.
Once the list of numbers is of the right size, I exit also the outer loop and terminate the function.

PWC 155 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL

This time I snooped for other people solutions, and found something really interesting in Abigail’s: the period can be computed depending on where the required size if found in the Fibonacci’s serie.
Therefore the function results in a very simple implementation:

pwc155.pisano_period( int )
RETURNS integer

my @fibonacci;
for ( 1 .. 999999 ) {
    push @fibonacci, 1 if $_ <= 1;
    push @fibonacci, @fibonacci[ -1 ] + @fibonacci[ -2 ];
    elog( DEBUG, "Fibonacci is " . join( ',', @fibonacci ) );
    last if @fibonacci[ -1 ] == $_[0];

# get the index
my $index = $#fibonacci + 1;
elog( DEBUG, "$_[0] found on index $index");
return $index * 2 if $_[0] >= 3 and $index % 2 == 0;
return $index * 4 if $_[0] >= 5 and $index % 2 == 1;

LANGUAGE plperl;

The idea is to generate an array of @fibonacci stopping as soon as the required input argument is found. Then I compute the 1-based $index and see if it is even or odd and if the starting period dimension was greater or equal than 3 or 5, and all it’s done!

testdb=> select pwc155.pisano_period( 3 );
DEBUG:  Fibonacci is 1,1
DEBUG:  Fibonacci is 1,1,2
DEBUG:  Fibonacci is 1,1,2,3
DEBUG:  3 found on index 4

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 155: Fortune and Pisano in Primes has been posted by Luca Ferrari on March 7, 2022