Perl Weekly Challenge 153: recursive CTEs

This is a short tour about my solutions to the Challenge 153 done in PostgreSQL.

PWC 153 - Task 1

This task was about producing left factorial numbers, where each value is computed by summing all the previously computed factorials.
I decided to implement it on top of a recursive CTE named factorials that, well, computes factorials. That was the easy part, then I needed to compute the sum of all the values less than the current one. Let’s use a LATERAL JOIN for the task:

with recursive factorials as
   SELECT 0::numeric as num
         ,1::numeric as fac


   SELECT f.num + 1
         , ( f.num + 1 ) * f.fac
   FROM factorials f
   WHERE f.num < 1000
SELECT f.num, sum( w.fac ) as left_factorial
FROM factorials f, LATERAL
( SELECT ff.fac FROM factorials ff WHERE ff.num < f.num ORDER BY ff.num ) w
WHERE f.num <= 10
GROUP BY f.num, f.fac
ORDER BY f.num

I limit the number of work to be done to 10, as requested by the task. The factorials CTE computes all the factorials, and then I join LATERAL with a subquery w that selects all the factorial values for entries less then current one. Therefore, using the built-in sum function in the outer query solves the problem.
Clearly, this is not a particularly efficient solution, but it is a good example of what recursive CTEs and LATERAL an do when combined together.

PWC 153 - Task 2

Similar to the previous task, but simpler: see if a given number is made by digits that, when summed as factorials, provide the number itself. As an example, 145 is a number that can be expressed as !1 + 4! + 5!.
Having a recursive CTE to compute factorials from the previous task, I decided to use the same starting point. However, this time, I used a psql variable named needle to which I assign the value I want to test:

\set needle 145

with recursive factorials as
   SELECT 0::numeric as num
         ,1::numeric as fac


   SELECT f.num + 1
         , ( f.num + 1 ) * f.fac
   FROM factorials f
   WHERE f.num < 1000
SELECT CASE sum( f.fac ) WHEN :needle THEN :needle || ' OK' ELSE :needle || ' KO' END AS factorions
FROM factorials f JOIN regexp_split_to_table( :needle::text, '' ) w(n)
ON w.n = f.num::text

The trick here is that I join factorials with regexp_split_to_table that returns all the digits as a set of tuples. Then, in the outer query, I do sum the factorials of every digit and see if the result is still the needle, producing an OK string or a KO one.

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 153: recursive CTEs has been posted by Luca Ferrari on February 22, 2022