Faster booting FreeBSD disabling sendmail-related stuff

It does not happen often, but FreeBSD sometimes needs to get rebooted. Well, in particular a few of my machines that I use only as testing workbenchs, and thus are turned off when I don’t need them!
Anyway, my FreeBSD 13 machine was booting slow, spending a lot of time doing some sendmail related stuff, in particular what seemed to me a reverse DNS lookup.

But I don’t use sendmail nor any related service on that machine, so why is that enabled?
I did not have too much time to dig it, but apparently there are some services that are now turned on by default (or I have done some wrong selection at installation time).
The fix is not hard neither simple: there are four different services to disable. After all, the /etc/rc.conf file looks like:


I hope I turned accidentally on such services, because I don’t like very much having a system that starts too much services, not only because of speed, but also because of security concerns.
Surely, this is something I need to investigate on as soon as I’ve time.

The article Faster booting FreeBSD disabling sendmail-related stuff has been posted by Luca Ferrari on February 5, 2022

Tags: freebsd