Perl Weekly Challenge 147: truncating pentagons

It is sad that, after more than two years of me doing Raku, I still don’t have any production code project to work on. Therefore, in order to keep my coding and Raku-ing (is that a term?) knowdledge, I try to solve every Perl Weekly Challenge tasks.

In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 147.

And this week, as for the previous PWC, I had time to quickly implement the tasks also on PostgreSQL plpgsql language:

PWC 147 - Task 1

The first task was about finding out a left truncated prime number, that is a prime number that is made by right prime numbers. In other words, given a prime number, and removing one at a time the leftmost digit, the right number is still a prime number itself.
The task asked to find out the first 20 numbers, so I placed a default variable that decides the limit for generating the truncated prime numbers:

sub MAIN( Int $limit = 20 ) {

    my @primes;

    for 10 .. Inf -> $current {
        next if $current ~~ / 0 /;
        next if ! $;
        my @values.push: $current.comb[ $_ .. * - 1 ].join.Int for 0 ..^ $current.Str.chars;
        @primes.push: $current if @values.grep( *.is-prime ).elems == @values.elems;
        last if @primes.elems >= $limit;


    @primes.join( "\n" ).say;

Since I need to truncate a number, it does not make sense to start from a single digit number, thus I start the loop from 10 to infinity. I skip all numbers containing one or more zeros and that are not prime. Then, I build a @values array made of all truncations of a number. Now, if I can find that all ovalues is made by primes, that is the number of primes is equal to the number of elements of the array, the number is a truncated prime, and thus can be added to the @primes array. The loop is terminated as soon as the $limit of searched for numbers is found. And the rest of the program is just the printing of the result.

PWC 147 - Task 2

This task was tricky, not because it was conceptually complex, but because it required a lot of resources at first.
It was asked to find out the first couple of pentagons numbers that summed give a pentagon number and that subtracted give also a pentagon number. A pentagon number is computed as n * ( 3 * n - 1 ) / 2.

 sub MAIN( Int $limit = 3000 ) {

     my ( %pentagons, %inverse-pentagons );
     %pentagons{ $_ } = ( $_ * ( 3 * $_ - 1 ) / 2 ) for 1 .. $limit;
     %inverse-pentagons{ %pentagons{ $_ } } = $_ for %pentagons.keys.sort;

     for %pentagons.keys.sort -> $index-left {
         for %pentagons.keys.sort -> $index-right {
             next if $index-left == $index-right;

             my ( $sum, $diff ) = %pentagons{ $index-left } + %pentagons{ $index-right },
                                  abs( %pentagons{ $index-left } - %pentagons{ $index-right } );

             # this is too slow, therefore I use an inverse hash!
             # next if ! %pentagons.values.grep( * ~~ $sum );
             # next if ! %pentagons.values.grep( * ~~ $diff );
             next if %inverse-pentagons{ $diff }:!exists;
             next if %inverse-pentagons{ $sum }:!exists;

             "P( $index-left ) + P( $index-right ) = { %pentagons{ $index-left } } + { %pentagons{ $index-right } } = $sum = P( { %inverse-pentagons{ $sum } } )".say;
             "P( $index-left ) - P( $index-right ) = { %pentagons{ $index-left } } + { %pentagons{ $index-right } } = $diff = P( { %inverse-pentagons{ $diff } } )".say;


First of all, I prepare a %pentagons hash that has the key as the n number and the value as the pentagon value. Then I perform a nested loop other the keys of the hash to find out a couple of pentagon numbers that have the sum and the difference that provide two pentagon numbers. Computing the $sum and the $diff is easy, and at first I thought that just grepping the values would suffice. The problem is that the program never ends, I mean, after 11 minutes it was still running.
Therefore I introduced the inverse-pentagons hash that is indexed the opposite from %pentagons: the keys are the pentagons values and the values are the number that generated them. So far, it just suffice to apply :exists and :!exists on such hash to see, in a very quick way, if the $sum and $diff are pentagon numbers. This also allows me to print out a full expression that represents the result, and now the program ends in a couple of seconds:

% time raku ch-2.p6
P( 1020 ) + P( 2167 ) = 1560090 + 7042750 = 8602840 = P( 2395 )
P( 1020 ) - P( 2167 ) = 1560090 + 7042750 = 5482660 = P( 1912 )
raku ch-2.p6  2,41s user 0,05s system 107% cpu 2,277 total

PWC 147 - Task 1 in PostgreSQL

A PostgreSQL implementation of the Raku version: a function to see if a number is prime and one to compute the truncated primes over a list of numbers.

f_is_prime( n bigint )
        i int;
        FOR i IN 2 .. ( n - 1 ) LOOP
            IF n % i = 0 THEN
               RETURN false;
            END IF;
        END LOOP;

        RETURN true;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

f_generate_truncated_primes( l int = 20 )
        i int;
        current bigint;
        fnd   int := 0;
        FOR current IN SELECT * FROM generate_series( 10, 999999 ) LOOP
            CONTINUE WHEN current::text LIKE '%0%';

            IF NOT f_is_prime( current ) THEN
               CONTINUE MAIN_LOOP;
            END IF;

            FOR i IN 1 .. length( current::text ) LOOP
                IF NOT f_is_prime( substring( current::text FROM i )::int ) THEN
                   CONTINUE MAIN_LOOP;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;

            fnd := fnd + 1;
            RETURN NEXT current;
            IF fnd >= l THEN
            END IF;
        END LOOP;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

An interesting thing to note is that the main FOR loop is labeled as MAIN_LOOP and I use quick short-circuit CONTINUE to start other as soon as a number is not appropriate.
Testing if a number is a truncated prime requires to loop other the length of the number in terms of digit, substring moving tirght and test if the result is a prime number.

PWC 147 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL

I decided to implement the second task by means of generating a table, named pentagons, that contain the n number that generates the p pentagon. Such column is a generated (sometime called virtual) column.

f_pentagon( n bigint )
RETURNS bigint
        SELECT ( n * ( 3 * n - 1 ) / 2 );

CREATE TABLE pentagons
        n bigint
        , p bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS ( f_pentagon( n ) ) STORED

INSERT INTO pentagons( n )
SELECT generate_series( 1, 5000 );

Now, a function performs a record-by-record scan of the table, and for every tuple it searches for another tuple that provides the sum and difference within the table itself. If found, a new record is returned and the function returns.

RETURNS TABLE ( n1 bigint, n2 bigint,  s bigint, d bigint, ps bigint, pd bigint )
        current_tuple pentagons%rowtype;
        other_tuple   pentagons%rowtype;
        fnd           int := 0;

        FOR current_tuple IN SELECT * FROM pentagons ORDER BY n LOOP
            SELECT *
            INTO other_tuple
            FROM pentagons pp
            WHERE EXISTS(
                  SELECT *
                  FROM pentagons ps
                  WHERE ps.p = current_tuple.p + pp.p
           AND EXISTS (
               SELECT *
               FROM pentagons ps
               WHERE ps.p = abs( current_tuple.p - pp.p )

           IF FOUND THEN
              SELECT current_tuple.n
                     , other_tuple.n
                     , current_tuple.p
                     , other_tuple.p
                     , current_tuple.p + other_tuple.p
                     , abs( current_tuple.p - other_tuple.p )
                     , p1.n
                     , p2.n
              INTO n1, n2, s, d, ps, pd
              FROM pentagons p1, pentagons p2
              WHERE p1.p = current_tuple.p + other_tuple.p
              AND   p2.p = abs( current_tuple.p - other_tuple.p );

              RAISE INFO 'P(%) + P(%) = P(%) =  %',
                         n1, n2, ps, s;

             RAISE INFO 'P(%) - P(%) = P(%) =  %',
                        n1, n2, pd, d;

              fnd := fnd + 1;
              RETURN NEXT;
           END IF;

        END LOOP;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The RAISE instruction provide a descriptive output of the found solution.

testdb=> select * from f_pentagons_pairs();
INFO:  P(1020) + P(2167) = P(8602840) =  1560090
INFO:  P(1020) - P(2167) = P(5482660) =  7042750
n1  |  n2  |    s    |    d    |   ps    |   pd
1020 | 2167 | 1560090 | 7042750 | 8602840 | 5482660
(1 row)

Time: 7257,715 ms (00:07,258)

As you can see, this requires a lot more time than the Raku solution, but please note I’ve run this on a busy server. However, in this case SQL results in a much more compact and declarative approach than Raku is, essentially the EXISTS query.

PWC 147 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL: a CTE only solution

The solution for the second task can be rewritten using only a recusrive CTE. Instead of using a table, the content of the pentagons numbers can be materialized with a recursive common table expression that exploits the very same function f_pentagon to compute a single pentagon value.
But most notably, instead of using a record based approach, as in the function f_pentagon_pairs, the query can be expressed as a full join:

WITH RECURSIVE pentagons( n, p )
        SELECT 1 AS n
               , f_pentagon( 1 ) AS p

        SELECT p.n + 1
               , f_pentagon( p.n + 1 )
        FROM pentagons p
        WHERE p.n < 5000

SELECT format( '%s, %s', l.n, r.n ) AS pentagon_pairs
FROM pentagons l, pentagons r
      SELECT *
      FROM pentagons ps
      WHERE ps.p = l.p + r.p
    SELECT *
    FROM pentagons ps
    WHERE ps.p = abs( l.p - r.p )

The query executes in a little less time than the approach using the table and the record-based function:

 1020, 2167
 2167, 1020
(2 rows)

Time: 5820,066 ms (00:05,820)

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 147: truncating pentagons has been posted by Luca Ferrari on January 10, 2022