Perl Weekly Challenge 143: stealthing the grammars!

It is sad that, after more than two years of me doing Raku, I still don’t have any production code project to work on. Therefore, in order to keep my coding and Raku-ing (is that a term?) knowdledge, I try to solve every Perl Weekly Challenge tasks.

In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 143.

And this week, as for the previous PWC, I had time to quickly implement the tasks also on PostgreSQL plpgsql language:

PWC 143 - Task 1

The first task was hard: implementing a calculator able to parses the main four operations and parenthesized expressions.
I decided to implement it via grammars, as well described here. In particular:
  • I implemented a grammar to parse the expression;
  • an action class was associated to the grammar to do the actual computation;
  • the MAIN method does the whole application.

Let’s start from the application first:

sub MAIN( Str $expr ) {
    my $calculator = Calculator.parse( $expr, :actions( CalculatorActions ) );
    "{ $expr } = { $calculator.made }".say;

The end result is like the following:

$ raku ch-1.p6 "( 1 + 2 ) * 3 * 4 / 2"
( 1 + 2 ) * 3 * 4 / 2 = 18

Let’s inspect the grammar first:

my Str $OPERATOR_ADD      = '+';
my Str $OPERATOR_MINUS    = '-';
my Str $OPERATOR_DIVIDE   = '/';

grammar Calculator {
    rule TOP {
        ^ <expression> $

    rule expression {
        | <operation>+ %% $<operator>=([$OPERATOR_ADD|$OPERATOR_MINUS])
        | <parenthesized-expression>
    rule operation {
        <operand>+  %% $<operator>=([$OPERATOR_MULTIPLY|$OPERATOR_DIVIDE])

    rule operand {
        | <number>
        | <parenthesized-expression>

    rule parenthesized-expression {
        '(' <expression> ')'

    token number { \d+ }

First of all, I define some “globals” to keep track of the operators, and then I have the grammar itself. The number rules is simple: a number is just an integer value, therefore a bunch of digits. The next brick is the operand, that is either a number or an expression withint parentheses, represented by parenthesized-expression, which in turn is an expression between parentheses. An operation is an operand that is applied to a multiplication or a division, because these are the highest priority operators. An expression is then an operation applied to an addition or a subtraction (that have lower priority than operation itself) or another expression between parentheses.
The action for the grammars looks like this:

class CalculatorActions {
    method TOP($/) {
        $/.make: $<expression>.made

    method parenthesized-expression($/) {
        $/.make: $<expression>.made

    method number($/) {
        $/.make: +$/

    method operand($/) {
        $/.make: $<number> ?? $<number>.Int !! $<parenthesized-expression>.made;

    # Computes a single operation in the form
    # a + b
    method do-compute( $left-operand, $operator, $right-operand ) {
        given $operator {
            when $OPERATOR_ADD      { $left-operand + $right-operand }
            when $OPERATOR_MINUS    { $left-operand - $right-operand }
            when $OPERATOR_MULTIPLY { $left-operand * $right-operand }
            when $OPERATOR_DIVIDE   { $left-operand / $right-operand }

    # Computes all the operation given the first operand, the set of operators
    # and the other operands.
    # For example:
    # 1 + 2 * 3
    # becomes
    # do-compute-all( 1, [+,*], [2,3])
    method do-compute-all( $left-operand is rw, @operators, @operands ) {
        while ( @operators.elems > 0 ) {
            $left-operand = $left-operand,
                                             @operands.pop );

    method operation($/) {
        # left part
        my $result = $<operand>[ 0 ].made;

        # if there is a right part ...
        if $<operator> {
            my @operators = $<operator>.map( *.Str );
            my @operands  = $<operand>[ 1..* ].map( *.made );

   $result, @operators, @operands );

        $/.make: $result;

    method expression($/) {
        if $<parenthesized-expression> {
            $/.make: $<parenthesized-expression>.made
        else {
            my $result = $<operation>[ 0 ].made;     

            if $<operator> {
                my @operators = $<operator>.map( *.Str );
                my @operands  = $<operation>[ 1..* ].map( *.made );

       $result, @operators, @operands );


            $/.make: $result;

There are some trivial methods, like number that converts a match into its integer form. The do-compute method does a single step operation, like 2 + 3, while the do-compute-all does a whole expression. In fact, both expression and operation calls the do-compute-all passing the first operand (in a mathematical sense) and the remaining operators and operands.

PWC 143 - Task 2

The second task was about finding out if a number was a stealth one, that is if does exist, given $n, that:
  • $a * $b = $c * $d = $n
  • $a + $b = $c + $d + 1.

My implementation is as follows:

sub MAIN( Int $n where { $n > 0 }, Bool :$verbose = False  ) {
    my @numbers = 1 ^..^ $n;

    # extract all the pairs to get the $n by multiplication
    my @pairs = @numbers.grep( $n %% * ).map( { $_, $n / $_, $_ + $n / $_ } );

    # now extract all the pairs couples that have a difference of one
    my $found = False;
    for 0 ..^ @pairs.elems -> $left {
        for $left ^..^ @pairs.elems -> $right {
            if @pairs[ $left ][ 2 ] - @pairs[ $right ][ 2 ] == any( 1, -1 ) {
                $found = True;
                "$n is stealth by { @pairs[ $left ][ 0..1 ].join( ',' ) } and { @pairs[ $right ][ 0..1 ].join( ',' ) }".say  if $verbose;

    "1".say and exit if $found;


In the beginning I search for all divisors of the given number, and map the result in an array with three elements: the divisor, the multiplier and the sum of the two. Then I do iterate other the resulting list of array to see if, with a nested loop, the current pair has a sum that differs exactly by 1 from the other pair.
The rest is just usual printing stuff.

PWC 143 - Task 2 in PostgreSQL

The PostgreSQL task 2 can be written as a poor translation of the Raku code:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_stealth( needle int )
  WITH numbers AS ( SELECT generate_series( 2, needle ) as n )
  , pairs AS ( 
    SELECT needle as n
           , n as divisor
           , needle / n as divisor_2
           , case needle % n
             when 0 then n + needle / n
             else null
             end as summix
      from numbers
  , stealth as (
    select *
           , abs( summix - lag( summix, 1, summix )  over ( ORDER BY summix DESC ) ) as lag
           , abs( summix - lead( summix, 1, summix )  over ( ORDER BY summix DESC ) ) as lead
      FROM pairs
     where summix is not null

  SELECT CASE count(*)
         WHEN 0 THEN 0
         ELSE 1
  FROM stealth
  WHERE ( lag = 1 or lead = 1 );

    LANGUAGE sql;

There is a big CTE that does all the trick:
  • numbers generates the available numbers from 2 to needle;
  • pairs produces all the pairs that are divisors of the needle, with their sum when it does make sense;
  • stealth uses two window function that, on every row, gives the distance between the sum of the previous row and the following one;
  • the final query selects only the tuple that have both a distance forward and backward of 1 (rows are ordered) and thus returns either 1 if there are rows, or 0 if there are not.

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 143: stealthing the grammars! has been posted by Luca Ferrari on December 13, 2021