Monitoring Schema Changes via Last Commit Timestamp

A few days ago, a colleague of mine shown to me that a commercial database keeps track of last DDL change timestamp against database objects.
I began to mumble… is that possible in PostgreSQL? Of course it is, but what is the smartest way to achieve it?
I asked on the mailing list, because the first idea that came into my mind was to use commit timestamps.
Clearly, it is possible to implement something that can do the job using event triggers, that in short are triggers not attached to table tuples rather to database event like DDL commands. Great! And in fact, a very good explaination can be found here.
In this article, I present my first idea about using commit timestamps.
The system used for the test is PostgreSQL 13.4 running on Fedora Linux, with only myself connected to it (this simplifies following transactions). The idea is, in any case, general and easy enough to be used on busy systems.

Introduction to pg_last_committed_xact()

The special function pg_last_committed_xact() allows the database administrator (or an user) to get information about which transaction has committed last.
Let’s see this in action:

% psql -U luca -h miguel -c 'select pg_last_committed_xact();'   testdb
ERROR:  could not get commit timestamp data
HINT:  Make sure the configuration parameter "track_commit_timestamp" is set.

First of all in order to get information about the committed transaction timestamps, there must be the option track_commit_timestamp configured.
Turning on and off the parameter will not provide historic data, that is even if you had the parameter on and then you turned off, you will not be able to access collected data.
Let’s turn on the parameter and see how it works. The track_commit_timestamp is a parameter with the postmaster context, and therefore requires a server restart!

% psql -U postgres -h miguel \
       -c 'ALTER SYSTEM SET track_commit_timestamp to "on"; ' \
% ssh luca@miguel 'sudo systemctl restart postgresql-13'

In the above I restarted a remote system via ssh, of course you are free to configure the parameter and restart the cluster with your preferred (or available) method.
It is now time to see which information we can get with track_commit_timestamp turned on.

testdb=> SELECT txid_current();
-[ RECORD 1 ]+-------------
txid_current | 380316302458

testdb=> SELECT *  FROM  txid_status( 380316302457 ), 
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------
txid_status | committed
xid         | 2359180410
timestamp   | 2021-11-20 04:28:50.223275-05

Let’s dissect the above example:
  • txid_current() simulates a new transaction in one row, because the function gets a new xid (transaction identifier) even if not used for effective work;
  • txid_status() accepts a xid identifier and returns a string with the status of the transaction, and as shown, the fake transaction 380316302458 results in status committed;
  • pg_last_committed_xact() now is able to report both the xid and the timestamp at which the last transaction has committed, that is the transaction 380316302458 committed at 2021-11-20 04:28:50.223275-05.

Wait a minute: pg_last_committed_xact() states that the last committed transaction is 2359180410, not 380316302458. What is happening?
Wrap-around is on its way!
The above system has done a so called xid wraparound, that is normal situation in a long running PostgreSQL instance. What this means, is that txid_current() is resturning a bumped value that is, somehow, an absolute value. However, PostgreSQL “reasons” in terms of values modulo 2^32, therefore we must take into account this possible difference.
The above example therefore becomes:

testdb=> SELECT txid_current() as xid_absolute, 
                mod( txid_current(), pow( 2, 32 )::bigint )  as xid;
-[ RECORD 1 ]+-------------
xid_absolute | 380316302460
xid          | 2359180412

testdb=> SELECT *  FROM  
              txid_status( 380316302460 ) as xid_abs_status, 
              txid_status( 2359180412 ) as xid_status,  
-[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------------------------
xid_abs_status | committed
xid_status     | 
xid            | 2359180412
timestamp      | 2021-11-20 04:34:54.531106-05

The above demonstrates that transactions 380316302460 and 2359180412 are the same, according to PostgreSQL. However, txid_status() requires an “absolute” xid number (note how the short transaction number does not report any status), while pg_last_committed_xact() reasons in terms of “running” numbers, i.e., the modulo ones.
There is another interesting function to keep in mind: pg_xact_commit_timestamp() that, given a transaction identifier, returns the known commit timestamp:

testdb=> SELECT * FROM 
                pg_xact_commit_timestamp( 2359180412::text::xid ), 
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------+------------------------------
pg_xact_commit_timestamp | 2021-11-20 04:34:54.531106-05
xid                      | 2359180412
timestamp                | 2021-11-20 04:34:54.531106-05

As you can see, the timestamp for the same transaction is always the same. Note that a bigint requires a conversion to text before being translated into a xid.

Tracking DDL Commands

Every table in PostgreSQL has two hidden fields that track the transaction ranges: xmin indicates the transaction that created a tuple, while xmax indicates the transaction that invalidated the tuple. This is used in the MVCC (Multi Version Concurrency Control) machinery that I’m not going to discuss here, so trust that everything works just fine.
The keypoint here is: every table has fields that track the transaction that generated the tuple. This applies also to system catalogs, and in particular (with regard to this article) to pg_class.
Having stated that, and knowing that every time a DDL command applies, something is changed in the system catalogs, it is therefore possible to track when changes did happen on a particular database object or table.
Let’s see this in action:

testdb=> BEGIN;
testdb=> SELECT txid_current() as xid_absolute, 
                mod( txid_current(), pow( 2, 32 )::bigint ) as xid, 
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+------------------------------
xid_absolute      | 380316302463
xid               | 2359180415
current_timestamp | 2021-11-20 05:11:56.343542-05

testdb=> CREATE TABLE ddl_test( 
           pk int generated always as identity, 
           t text );
testdb=> COMMIT;

At timestamp 2021-11-20 05:11:56 the table ddl_test has been created. Since every DDL command in PostgreSQL is transactional, it is possible to track the transaction that committed such DDL (in the above example, 380316302463 alis 2359180415).
Let’s query pg_class to get information about last DDL commands on ddl_test table:

testdb=> SELECT age( xmin ) as transaction_before
                , xmin as it_was_transaction_number
                , pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as modified_at
                , relname as table
       FROM pg_class
       WHERE relkind = 'r'
       AND relname   = 'ddl_test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+------------------------------
transaction_before        | 1
it_was_transaction_number | 2359180415
modified_at               | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
table                     | ddl_test

The above queries tells us that 1 transaction ago the transaction number 2359180415 modified the structure of ddl_test at timestamp 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05**. <br/> **Everything seems fine except for the timestamp**: the transaction timestamp is not really the same as reported by pg_xact_commit_timestamp()`. The reason for this is that the moment a transaction commits is not the same as the transaction is consolidated, therefore there could some offset and lag. However, checking deeper we can see that data is coherent:

testdb=> SELECT * FROM pg_last_committed_xact();
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------
xid       | 2359180415
timestamp | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05

So this is a first ugly but pretty much unexpensive way to track changes to the table.

Let’s now add a column to the table, so to see if this machinery can work:

testdb=> BEGIN;
testdb=> SELECT txid_current() as xid_absolute, mod( txid_current(), pow( 2, 32 )::bigint ) as xid, current_timestamp;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+------------------------------
xid_absolute      | 380316302464
xid               | 2359180416
current_timestamp | 2021-11-20 05:21:03.089031-05

testdb=> ALTER TABLE ddl_test ADD COLUMN tt text;
testdb=> COMMIT;

testdb=> SELECT * FROM pg_last_committed_xact();
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------
xid       | 2359180416
timestamp | 2021-11-20 05:21:32.376468-05

Transaction 2359180416 at timestamp 2021-11-20 05:21:32.376468-05 committed the ALTER TABLE. Let’s run again our query against pg_class:

testdb=> SELECT age( xmin ) as transaction_before
                , xmin as it_was_transaction_number
                , pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as modified_at
                , relname as table
         FROM pg_class
         WHERE relkind = 'r'
         AND relname   = 'ddl_test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+------------------------------
transaction_before        | 1
it_was_transaction_number | 2359180416
modified_at               | 2021-11-20 05:21:32.376468-05
table                     | ddl_test

Therefore we now know when the table was last touched by a DDL command.

Going Deeper: Introspection Against Columns

From the above we now know when a change happened to our table, but we don’t know which attribute has been changed. It is possible to push the same logic against other parts of the system catalog, for example pg_attribute that handles information about single table columns.
Here it the example applied to our demo table:

testdb=> SELECT xmin, attname, age( xmin ), pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) 
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'ddl_test'::regclass;
    xmin    | attname  | age |   pg_xact_commit_timestamp    
 2359180415 | tableoid |   2 | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
 2359180415 | cmax     |   2 | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
 2359180415 | xmax     |   2 | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
 2359180415 | cmin     |   2 | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
 2359180415 | xmin     |   2 | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
 2359180415 | ctid     |   2 | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
 2359180415 | pk       |   2 | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
 2359180415 | t        |   2 | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
 2359180416 | tt       |   1 | 2021-11-20 05:21:32.376468-05

All the columns except tt have been created by the very same transaction at the very same timestamp, while tt has been touched from another transation 11 minutes after.
The above is not very useful, so it is possible to improve sligthly the query into the following one:

testdb=> SELECT array_agg( attname ) as columns,  
                current_timestamp - pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as when 
         FROM pg_attribute
         WHERE attrelid = 'ddl_test'::regclass
         GROUP BY pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin );
                 columns                  |      when       
 {tableoid,cmax,xmax,cmin,xmin,ctid,pk,t} | 00:19:38.202794
 {tt}                                     | 00:10:27.185452

That reports all the column “touched” at the very same time and how many time has elapsed from the last change. For example, the column tt has been changed 10 minutes ago, while the other columns 19 minutes ago.
Let’s do more changes to our table and see what happen; please note that everything is executed in autocommit mode:

testdb=> ALTER TABLE ddl_test ADD COLUMN ttt text;

testdb=> ALTER TABLE ddl_test 
           ALTER COLUMN tt SET DEFAULT 'FizzBuzz';

testdb=> ALTER TABLE ddl_test DROP COLUMN t;

testdb=> SELECT * FROM pg_last_committed_xact();
    xid     |          timestamp           
 2359180419 | 2021-11-20 05:36:48.54285-05

If we inspect again pg_attribute we have:

testdb=> SELECT array_agg( attname ) as columns,  
                current_timestamp - pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as time_ago, 
                pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as when       
         FROM pg_attribute
         WHERE attrelid = 'ddl_test'::regclass
         GROUP BY pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin );
                columns                 |    time_ago     |             when              
 {tableoid,cmax,xmax,cmin,xmin,ctid,pk} | 00:26:25.685984 | 2021-11-20 05:12:21.359126-05
 {ttt}                                  | 00:04:08.244367 | 2021-11-20 05:34:38.800743-05
 {tt}                                   | 00:02:31.791574 | 2021-11-20 05:36:15.253536-05
 {}         | 00:01:58.50226  | 2021-11-20 05:36:48.54285-05

testdb=> SELECT age( xmin ) as transaction_before
                , xmin as it_was_transaction_number
                , pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as modified_at
                , relname as table
         FROM pg_class
         WHERE relkind = 'r'
         AND relname   = 'ddl_test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+------------------------------
transaction_before        | 3
it_was_transaction_number | 2359180417
modified_at               | 2021-11-20 05:34:38.800743-05
table                     | ddl_test

There are some interesting things in the above output. First of all, pg_class reports only the changes related to new attributes, not the dropped ones or the internally changed. On the other hand, pg_attribute reports information about every single attribute, including those changed in a “minor” mode (the SET DEFAULT for instance).
Please note how the dropped column (namely t) is no more visible, even if there is pg.dropped.2 that clearly refers to such column. In the above example it is easy enough: only one column has been dropped in a single user instance, however in a more concurrent system it is hard to get track about the information related to dropped attributes. For more information about the dropped columns, please see my previous article about why PostgreSQL does not reclaim disk space on column drop.

What about VACUUM?

The VACUUM FULL command totally rewrites a table, therefore this means that every information about transactions that have “touched” systsem catalogs are updated by a newer transaction. This does not mean that VACUUM is a transactional command, rather it happen to do a CREATE TABLE pretty much as we did manually.

testdb=> VACUUM FULL ddl_test;                                                                                 
testdb=> SELECT age( xmin ) as transaction_before
                , xmin as it_was_transaction_number
                , current_timestamp - pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as modified_since
                , relname as table
         FROM pg_class
         WHERE relkind = 'r'
         AND relname   = 'ddl_test';
 transaction_before | it_was_transaction_number | modified_since  |  table   
                  1 |                2359180423 | 00:00:02.615678 | ddl_test
(1 row)

testdb=> SELECT array_agg( attname ) as columns,  
                current_timestamp - pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as when 
         FROM pg_attribute
         WHERE attrelid = 'ddl_test'::regclass
         GROUP BY pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin );
                columns                 |      when       
 {tableoid,cmax,xmax,cmin,xmin,ctid,pk} | 00:50:03.972343
 {ttt}                                  | 00:27:46.530726
 {tt}                                   | 00:26:10.077933
 {}         | 00:25:36.788619

It is interesting to note an apparent inconsistency: the table has been modified 2 seconds ago while the columns have been touched between 25 and 50 minutes ago. How is that possible? Well, VACUUM FULL has rewritten the table but metadata about columns did not change.
In short, this is an indicator about VACUUM FULL execution: if the change time of a table is earlier than that of its columns probably vacuum ran. The correct way to know when VACUUM FULL run is to inspect appropriate catalogs like pg_stat_user_tables. In any case, combining these information help understanding what happened into the system.

Let’s see something about VACUUM:

testdb=> SELECT age( xmin ) as transaction_before
                , xmin as it_was_transaction_number
                , current_timestamp - pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as modified_since
                , relname as table
         FROM pg_class
         WHERE relkind = 'r'
         AND relname   = 'ddl_test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+----------------
transaction_before        | 11
it_was_transaction_number | 2359180423
modified_since            | 00:20:41.953205
table                     | ddl_test

testdb=> VACUUM ddl_test;

testdb=> SELECT age( xmin ) as transaction_before
                , xmin as it_was_transaction_number
                , current_timestamp - pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as modified_since
                , relname as table
         FROM pg_class
         WHERE relkind = 'r'
         AND relname   = 'ddl_test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+----------------
transaction_before        | 11
it_was_transaction_number | 2359180423
modified_since            | 00:20:51.272209
table                     | ddl_test

The result is that pg_class is unchanged, with regard to the transaction that generated the tuple.
Since VACUUM is a command that cannot be run within a transaction, it cannot be considered in the described workflow, therefore it is like an invisible command (with regard to transactions).

What about ANALYZE?

Unlike VACUUM, the command ANALYZE can be run in a transaction, and this is clearly shown by the age result increasing by one:

testdb=> SELECT age( xmin ) as transaction_before
                , xmin as it_was_transaction_number
                , current_timestamp - pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as modified_since
                , relname as table
         FROM pg_class
         WHERE relkind = 'r'
         AND relname   = 'ddl_test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+----------------
transaction_before        | 14
it_was_transaction_number | 2359180423
modified_since            | 01:37:54.483495
table                     | ddl_test

testdb=> ANALYZE ddl_test;

testdb=> SELECT age( xmin ) as transaction_before
                , xmin as it_was_transaction_number
                , current_timestamp - pg_xact_commit_timestamp( xmin ) as modified_since
                , relname as table
         FROM pg_class
         WHERE relkind = 'r'
         AND relname   = 'ddl_test';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+----------------
transaction_before        | 15
it_was_transaction_number | 2359180423
modified_since            | 01:38:05.267443
table                     | ddl_test

What is not changing in the above example is the transaction that generated the tuple in pg_class: it is always 2359180423, before and after the ANALYZE command (that did run in a transaction).
Well, ANALYZE hits another table: pg_statistic. Such table is the root of all statistical information like pg_stat_user_tables and friends, and is the one updated by ANALYZE. This can be clearly inspected with a similar query:

testdb=# SELECT xmin, age( xmin ), staattnum 
         FROM pg_statistic 
         WHERE starelid = 'ddl_test'::regclass;
    xmin    | age | staattnum 
 2359180437 |   1 |         1
 2359180437 |   1 |         3
 2359180437 |   1 |         4

Please note that the query has been run as a superuser, because of the need of privileges. The result set is made of three rows because there are three “active” (i.e., not dropped) columns within the table, and all of them has been modified (from a statistic point of view) by ANALYZE, that ran in transaction 2359180437 that is now one transaction far (i.e., it was the previous transaction).


Keeping track of commit timestamps could be useful for database introspection, at least to get a glance at when things changed.
The same trick can also be used against regular table tuples, to get an idea of when a tuple appeared in that form in the table.
However, this is not a very good approach, and something much more complex can be built like using already mentioned event triggers.
But hey, this is PostgreSQL: you can extend it in pretty much any direction!

The article Monitoring Schema Changes via Last Commit Timestamp has been posted by Luca Ferrari on November 26, 2021