Configuring Emacs using Org-mode: org-babel
Emacs Org-mode is a great tool, and includes support for the so called /literate programming/. In short, you write your documentation at first, and within the documentation you insert snippets of code that can be /run/ (executed, compiled) by Emacs itself in order to produce a /concrete result/.And of course, Emacs can use itself Org-mode to auto-configure the experience!
The trick is to use a package called org-babel and start to write your configuration into an Org-mode file.
Quick, show me the code!
There are plenty of tutorials online about this subject, so I will not go into deep details here. However, there are two main actions to take in order to configure Emacs via Org-mode files:- configure a startup file to load
and make it parse one file (or more) written in Org-Mode; - create an Org-mode file with
block of codes that will do the configuration.
Step 1: init.el
Edit the startup file init.el
(under ~/.emacs.d/init.el
) and place the following piece of code:
(require 'org)
(expand-file-name ""
The above snippet of code will load a file named
, that must be in the same directory of the init.el
one, and will parse it. In particular, user-emacs-directory
tells to the expand-file-name
function to use the ~/.eamcs.d
folder, so that the Org-mode file will be ~/.emacs.d/
Step 2: write
Now, write a usual Org-mode file named ~/.emacs.d/
and put your text, your comments and the block of codes that you need to configure Emacs. The code blocks must be of type emacs-lisp
As a bare example:
#+title: Emacs Configurtion File
#+author: Luca Ferrari
* Packages
** Configure packages
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; Initialize package sources
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '(("melpa" . "")
("melpa-stable" . "")
("org" . "")
("elpa" . "")))
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(package-install 'use-package) )
(setq use-package-verbose t)
(setq use-package-always-ensure t)
(require 'use-package)
* User Interface Customization
** Menu, Tool and Scroll Bars
All the bars have a /mode/ toggle that can be set to ~-1~ to indicate it has to be deactivated.
The ~menu-bar-mode~ considers the top menu bar, while ~tool-bar-mode~ is for the graphical tool bar.
The ~scroll-bar-mode~ is for the lateral scroll bar, but unlike the ~tool-bar-mode~, disabling the scroll bar in a non graphical environment causes a startup.
For this reason, the scroll and tool bars are deactivated only if ~display-graphic-p~ is non ~nil~, to indicate the system is running with a graphical display.
The ~progn~ function allows the sequential evaluation of its body and returns the last evaluated expression.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(if (display-graphic-p)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(scroll-bar-mode -1) ) )
** Highlight Current Line
Activate highlight line mode globally, and set a background color.
Setting the foreground color to ~nil~ prevents the line to loose the syntax hightlight.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(global-hl-line-mode 1)
(set-face-background 'hl-line "#313131")
(set-face-foreground 'highlight nil)
** Guru Mode
Let's use the Emacs keybindings to move!
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package guru-mode
:ensure t )
(setq guru-warn-only 1 )
As you can see the initial part of the file is the preamble (optional) of an Org-mode document.
The very first part is the installation and load of the `use-package, that is the system I use to automatically install packages.
**It is important you configure your package manager at the very beginning, so to use it later on in the rest of the document file, and I included it in the Org-mode so that I can easily drop such file on a fresh machine and get Emacs do all the stuff for me!
Emacs Org-mode based configuration is simple, thanks toorg-babel
, and can be a very interesting way to craft and share your own configuration in a less lispy mode and with a more human readable approach!