Perl Weekly Challenge 133: quick and nested

One way to let me improve my knowledge about Raku (aka Perl 6) is to implement programs in it. Unluckily, I don’t have any production code to implement in Raku yet (sob!). So, why not try solving the Perl Weekly Challenge tasks?

In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 133.

PWC 133 - Task 1

The first task required to compute the first five pandigital numbers, where a pandigital number is a number that contains significative digits that correspond to the whole set of the digit alphabet.
My idea was pretty simple:
  • place all the digits I need to search for into the @digits array;
  • start with a number that surely contains all the @digits, so $start is simply the concatenation of the @digits;
  • loop from that $start to the infinity and see if the current number contains at least one digit of the @digits alphabet;
  • if the current number contains at least one time every digit, produce it.

I say “produce it” because I decided to implement the whole thing as a lazy gather take block of code, so the alghoritm does not have to compute all the required numbers at once.
In the end, I do print the required number of elements, that is $limit with a default of five.
So far, the code looks like the following:

sub MAIN( Int $limit where { $limit > 0 } = 5 ) {
    my @digits = 1 .. 9;
    @digits.push: 0;
    my $start =  @digits.join;

    my @pandigital = lazy gather {
        for $start ..^ Inf -> $current {
            next if $start ~~ / ^0+ /;
            my $found = 0;
            $found += $current.comb.grep( $_ ).so ?? 1 !! 0 for @digits;
            take $current if $found >= @digits.elems;

    @pandigital[ $_ ].say for 0 ..^ $limit;


PWC 133 - Task 2

This task was about producing a multiplication table, the one that you can find, or did find, in the back cover of the school notebooks.
Quite frankly, the difficult was more in the printing step than in the calcolation phase. Since the task required also to find out unique numbers, I used two different arrays:
  • @table contains the computations;
  • @distinct contains unique numbers.
    The code looks like:

sub MAIN( Int $cols where { $cols > 0 } = 5, Int $rows where { $rows > 0 } = 3 ) {
    my @table;
    my @distinct;

    # table header
    "  x\t|\t".print;
    ( 1 .. $cols ).join( "\t" ).say;
    ( "-" x 8 x $cols ).say;

    for 1 .. $rows -> $current-row {
        for 1 .. $cols -> $current-col {
            my $value = $current-row * $current-col;
            @table[ $current-row - 1 ].push: $value;
            @distinct.push: $value if ! @distinct.grep( $value );

    # print the table
    for 1 .. $rows {
        "  $_\t|\t".print;
        @table[ $_ - 1 ].join( "\t" ).say;

    "\nDistinct values: ".say;
    @distinct.join( ', ' ).say;


I used the ugly "\t" tabular to quickly format the table when printing, but as you can imagine it would be better to build a more complex printf based approach.
The result of the execution is like the following: <br/<
% raku ch-2.p6
  x     |       1       2       3       4       5
  1     |       1       2       3       4       5
  2     |       2       4       6       8       10
  3     |       3       6       9       12      15

Distinct values:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 9, 12, 15

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 133: quick and nested has been posted by Luca Ferrari on October 11, 2021