Select Distinct Bytea (or Blobs)

TLDR: seems to me that PostgreSQL has a more comfortable behaviour than Oracle when dealing with distinct and BLOB-like fields

I’m not an avid Oracle user, at least not as much as I’m with regard to PostgreSQL.
In the last days I spot a problem with an application of mine: after having added a BLOB column to an Oracle table, a few automated queries began to fail. It was not so simple, in the beginning, to find out what the problem was, but essentially the ORM I am using was generating a query with a distinct clause, and it seems that Oracle does not accept such kind of query when it involves a BLOB or a CLOB field.
Let’s see an example: the blobby table is made by a varchar2 description field and a bdata field of type BLOB.

SQL> select distinct bdata, description from blobby;
select distinct bdata, description from blobby
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got BLOB

The reported error is somehow obscure to me: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got BLOB does not provide to me enough information to understand what type the system was expecting. However, seeing the BLOB final part let me reason about the problem.
However, in the begin, I was not even able to reproduce the problem because if you don’t specify an explicit column list, the same query works:

SQL> select distinct * from blobby;
6 rows selected.

I was unable to make the query to work even using a cast to different types, so I guess Oracle cannot handle the query when the columns are explicitly listed. And that was the problem: many ORMs, including the one I’m using, produce queries where all the columns are asked as output fields, and so Oracle was refusing to run the query.

What About PostgreSQL?

I was curious to see how does PostgreSQL handle the same situation, assuming BLOB can be translated into a bytea field.

testdb=> create table blobby( pk int generated always as identity,
description text, bdata bytea, primary key( pk ) );
testdb=> insert into blobby( description ) select 'Record ' || v from
generate_series( 1, 5 ) v;
testdb=> \lo_import myfile.pdf
lo_import 50626
testdb=> update blobby set bdata = lo_get( 50626 );

testdb=> \o test.csv
testdb=> \a
Output format is unaligned.
testdb=> \f ';'
Field separator is ";".
testdb=> select distinct bdata, description from blobby;
-- same as select distinct * from blobby

% ls -1hs test.csv
23M test.csv

Despite the initial part to create and populate the table, as you can see the SELECT works both with an explicit column list or a wildcard.


I don’t have any conclusions, and I don’t blame a product or another. They just behave differently under pretty much the same context.
I like the PostgreSQL approach the most, it seems more natural. Moreover, Oracle error messages seem to me very obscure!

The article Select Distinct Bytea (or Blobs) has been posted by Luca Ferrari on August 4, 2021