Perl Weekly Challenge 115: words in circles and numbers
One way to let me improve my knowledge about Raku (aka Perl 6) is to implement programs in it. Unluckily, I don’t have any production code to implement in Raku yet (sob!). So, why not try solving the Perl Weekly Challenge tasks?In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 115.
PWC 115 - Task 1
The first task was about discovering if a list of words was circular, meaning if the first letter of a word was the final of another word and this is true for all the words.Initially this happened complex to me, then I realized that it does suffice to extract the list of all first-letters and compare it to the list of all last-letters: if the list are the same, the circle is possible.
sub MAIN( *@words where { @words.elems > 0 } ) {
# get a list of all initiali letters
# and one of all tailing ones
my @headings = *.substr( 0, 1 );
my @tailings = *.substr( * - 1 );
# if the sorted list are the same, there is a match!
say @headings.sort ~~ @tailings.sort ?? 1 !! 0;
PWC 115 - Task 2
The second task was easier, at glance: given a list of numbers I need to find out the biggest multiple of2
that can be done with the combination of the given digits.
I decided to put all the numbers into a list, checking if they are multiple of
, and then extract the max
from the list.
sub MAIN( *@N where { @N.elems > 0 && @N.grep( * ~~ Int ).elems == @N.elems } ) {
# create a list of integers
# with only those that are divisible by 2
my Int @numbers.push: .join.Int if .join.Int %% 2 for @N.permutations;
# now ask for the max
say @numbers.max;