Perl Weekly Challenge 112: Climbing the canonical path!

One way to let me improve my knowledge about Raku (aka Perl 6) is to implement programs in it. Unluckily, I don’t have any production code to implement in Raku yet (sob!). So, why not try solving the Perl Weekly Challenge tasks?

In the following, the assigned tasks for Challenge 112.

PWC 112 - Task 1

The first task was about writing a script to make a given filesystem path canonical, that is removing all the spurious data such as .., ., replicated slashes, and so on.
Raku IO::Path already has a way to make a path canonical, but it does it without trimming out .., while the task required to interpret such characters in making the path smart. For example: /a/b/../d should resolve in /a/d because .. makes the system to go up one level, so removing the b descending.
Therefore, I decided to implement it using a split approach:
  • I do split the path according to its separator;
  • add every part of the path to an array if and only if it is not empty (meaning a multiple slash has occurred) and is not ., meaning nothing has to be done;
  • in the case the part of the path is .. I have to trim out the last value of the already computed array of parts, that is how I go up one level.

sub MAIN( Str :$path ) {

    my @results;
    for $path.split( '/' ) {
        next if ! $_ || $_ ~~ '.';
        @results.push: $_ if ( $_ !~~ '..' );
        @results = @results[ 0 .. * - 2 ] if $_ ~~ '..';

    ('/' ~ @results.join( '/' )).say;

Please note I’ve added an extra leading slash in front of the say line, so that the path is outputted as absolute.

PWC 112 - Task 2

The second task was about finding out the sum of 1 and 2 that can lead to a specific value, aslo known as climbing stairs problem.
I’ve implemented in a very unefficient way:
  • I create an array of all possible 1 and 2 that can lead to the sum of the given number;
  • I do iterate on every possible iteration of such an array, and see how many elements I need to get the sum;
  • I print out the resulting arrays only using unique values.
    Therefore it results as follows:

sub MAIN( Int $top where { $top > 1 } ) {
    my @haystack = (1 xx $top, 2 xx $top / 2).flat;
    my @solutions;

    # get all possible combinations
    for @haystack.permutations {
        # check every sub-array that gives me the sum
        for 0 ..^ $_.elems -> $index {
            @solutions.push: $_[ 0 .. $index ]  if $_[ 0 .. $index ].sum == $top;

    # print only unique values
    say @solutions.unique: as => { .Str };

This is really expensive, since it can quickly require a lot of permutations to compute. Therefore I decided to follow a different approach:
  • I build the very first solution, that is made by only 1 up to the $top value;
  • I then start using the solution as a string of 1s and substitute every 11 with a 2;
  • I do compute all the possible permutations of every 2 in the list.
    Therefore the program is:

sub MAIN( Int $top where { $top > 1 } ) {
    my @solutions;
    @solutions.push: 1 xx $top;

    my $current-solution = 1 x $top;
    while ( $current-solution ~~ / 1 ** 2 / ) {
        $current-solution ~~ s/ 1 ** 2 / 2 /;
        $current-solution = $current-solution.split( ' ', :skip-empty  ).join( '' );
        @solutions.push: $_ for $current-solution.split( '', :skip-empty ).permutations.unique( as => { .Str.trim } );
    for @solutions -> @current-solution {
        say "\nPossible solution:";
        "%d step%s ".sprintf( $_, $_ > 1 ?? 's' !! '' ).print if $_ > 0 for @current-solution;

    say "";

There is some machinery to avoid empty spaces here and there, and also I placed the uniqueness of the solutions up to the permutation level, so that the final array @solutions is already made by unique lists.
The printing also evolved so that I can correctly print step or steps. The result is:

% raku ch-2.p6 5

Possible solution:
1 step 1 step 1 step 1 step 1 step 
Possible solution:
2 steps 1 step 1 step 1 step 
Possible solution:
1 step 2 steps 1 step 1 step 
Possible solution:
1 step 1 step 2 steps 1 step 
Possible solution:
1 step 1 step 1 step 2 steps 
Possible solution:
2 steps 2 steps 1 step 
Possible solution:
2 steps 1 step 2 steps 
Possible solution:
1 step 2 steps 2 steps 

And this is it.

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 112: Climbing the canonical path! has been posted by Luca Ferrari on May 10, 2021