Jekyll and the paginator gem

I’ve recently changed my main computer, and this resulted in the need to reinstall a lot of software, including Jekyll to run locally my blog.
However, I was unable to start the usual bundle exec jekyll serve command due to a traceback related to missing dependencies. The first fix was to include the jekyll Gem in the Gemfile file:

gem "jekyll"

Then I was able to start the local site, but all my posts have disappeared. Or better, they were there in the _site_ directory, but they were not shown at all. I was able to directly render everyon with a specific link, but not to gain access to the list. I noticed that the command was reporting a warning at startup:

% bundle exec jekyll serve
Configuration file: /home/luca/git/
       Deprecation: You appear to have pagination turned on, but you haven't included the `jekyll-paginate` gem. Ensure you have `plugins: [jekyll-paginate]` in your configuration file.
            Source: /home/luca/git/

The solution was to add the plugins line into the .config.yml file, and to install it as a Gem. So, as first step I modified the Gemfile adding the paginator plugin:

gem "jekyll-paginator"

and then I installed using bundle:

% bundle install

Then I modified the .config.yml file to include the plugins, please note the name of the paginator that is different from the Gem:

plugins: [jekyll-paginator]

and I was able to start my site again.

The article Jekyll and the paginator gem has been posted by Luca Ferrari on April 29, 2021