PostgreSQL 11 Server Side Programming it’s gaining attention

I’m happy to say that my very first book on PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL 11 Server Side Programming Quick Start Guide, is gaining more and more attention and the statistics about it is increasing.


Quite frankly, the book sold one order of magnitude more than I was expecting and it is still raising even if PostgreSQL 12 is the latest major version and 13 is almost here.

I think the dramatical situation around europe, and more in general the world, namely COVID-19 is also responsible for this raising: since people is forced to stay at home, one that keep mind occupied is to read and study other topics and subjects.
Me myself have started reading technical books I never thought I would have read in normal conditions.

Anyway, back to the book, please consider that even if the title includes 11 as version, many of the examples and guidelines can be applied in newer versions of PostgreSQL. I have to admit I’m using many of the examples in my training events and courses (I can, of course, being the author).
The book uses Perl and Java as the main foreign languages, being of course PL/PgSQL the main native language for the application development.

I hope you can enjoy the book during this particular point in time.
And if you have some suggestions or errata-corridge, please advice and I will include credits and details in the book code repository.

Code Repository

The code repository with examples and other information is available on the official GitHub space and is also cloned into my GitLab repository so feel free to clone it from whatever is more comfortable to you!

The article PostgreSQL 11 Server Side Programming it's gaining attention has been posted by Luca Ferrari on April 8, 2020