Developer On Fire Interview

I was contacted by Dave Rael, who is the author of Developer on Fire podcast. He is a very smart and kindly guy, and I think the work is doing with his podcast is simply amazing.

He told me someone suggested my name as a possible target for the podcast, and I was really proud about it. However, I was too busy back at that time, so I kindly asked Dave to delay the interview at the end of October, and he agreeded.

So here it is, my very first podcast interview: I found myself talking about a lot of different things, with particular regard to achery and university, but was not prepared at all. I’m quite happy with the fact I was really spontaneous. I hope someone can enjoy the interview, and I hope to have another chance in the future to be on another episode.

In the following, you can find some parts I would like to share about this experience.

The UTC Problem

A few days before the interview I asked for confirmation and we had a little discussion about the difference of timezones. Dave is located at UTC-6 and I’m in Europe/Rome, so I queried PostgreSQL to show me the times. That lead to some wrong results:
template1=# select 
  '2019-10-22 16:00:00' at time zone 'Europe/Rome' as my_time
, '2019-10-22 16:00:00' at time zone 'America/Denver' as what_should_be
, '2019-10-22 16:00:00' at time zone 'UTC-6' as utc_minus_6
, '2019-10-22 16:00:00' at time zone 'UTC+6' as utc_plus_6;

-[ RECORD 1 ]--|--------------------
my_time        | 2019-10-22 16:00:00
what_should_be | 2019-10-22 08:00:00
utc_minus_6    | 2019-10-22 20:00:00
utc_plus_6     | 2019-10-22 08:00:00
As usual, I was not aware of how well PostgreSQL is behaving and thanks to a quick reply by Tom Lane I learn something new: POSIX use positive offset for west timezones while ISO use negative ones.
Sounds to me people doing POSIX and ISO don’t agree on how the earth spins!

Before the Interview

I have to admit I was a little nervous about the interview, mainly because I never did a real interview before. Well, I did an interview once for a local television when, as a fourteen archer, I won a competition. Since then, I never did an interview anymore.

Dave has been a great host, letting me to feel very comfortable and exeplaining to me how that was going to be. I really enjoy his attitude and way of making the interview a real conversation between friends, and that’s how I felt actually: as I was speaking to a very old friend in front of a beer (or two).

The Interview

Having set up the environment, the interview begins and again, as I wrote before, it was much more like talking to a friend instead of doing a real interview, and credits for this to Dave who is a real smart and friendly guy, and that means he is also a great host.

What I appreciated the most was the interest Dave had in listening to me and my stories, that by contrast I found by myself quite boring (but that’s probably my biased opinion).

After the Interview

After the interview we spend a few minutes talking about the result, when and how it will be published and usual greetngs and thanks.
I ended up the whole thing with a feeling of calm and happiness.

The article Developer On Fire Interview has been posted by Luca Ferrari on November 11, 2019