Importing data from MSSQL is faster than I thought

It has not been an exciting job, but having PostgreSQL to pull data out of Microsoft SQL Server is a joy! The architecture is quite dumb:
  • PostgreSQL connects via Foreign Data Wrapper to the MSSQL machine;
  • a function is executed to extract records, crunch them and store modified into the PostgreSQL engine;
  • every 10 minutes, iterate.
So far, it is importing 3,5k tuples every ten minutes, that is around 500000 tuples per day. So far it is running in less than a second, and I’m able to monitor that thanks to a status table where I store the clock_timestamp() values for monitoring:
testdb=> SELECT record_count, 
             ts_end - ts_begin AS elapsed_time
         FROM pull_stat ORDER BY pk DESC LIMIT 10;
 record_count |  elapsed_time   
         3659 | 00:00:00.440777
         3656 | 00:00:00.363089
         3694 | 00:00:00.385919
         3713 | 00:00:00.460304
         3695 | 00:00:02.209158
         3678 | 00:00:00.393815
         3699 | 00:00:00.404685
         3693 | 00:00:00.403348
         3704 | 00:00:00.358293
         3683 | 00:00:00.355856
testdb=> select version();
 PostgreSQL 11.1 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28), 64-bit
While this is surely not a benchmark, I’m quite impressed about the speed of pulling data from a foreign server. It’s interesting to note that the tds version is 7.2 with notice messages enabled (that I suspect lead to a little time expense).
testdb=# \des+
List of foreign servers

Name                 | server_mssql
Owner                | postgres
Foreign-data wrapper | tds_fdw
Access privileges    | 
Type                 | 
Version              | 
FDW options          | (servername '', database 'AXES', msg_handler 'notice', tds_version '7.2')
Description          | 

The article Importing data from MSSQL is faster than I thought has been posted by Luca Ferrari on June 26, 2019