I found this very interesting post l about online competitions for computer programmers.
Taking part to the 2015 CPAN Pull Request Challenge, and agreeding totally to the post author about how useless these competitions can be, I want to enforce the concept.
Nowdays softwares are very complex beasts, and it is much more important to have a look at how to solve a problem in a way that can be maintanable, well documented, self explainatory, and so on, rather than having a bunch of code that performs the right computation with a strange and not well known alghoritm. Moreover, with the ubiquity of alghoritm libraries, I don't see the whole point in proving your knowledge of alghoritms anymore.

I remember at least three job interviews I made a few years ago when I was asked to solve a problem implementing a mathematical alghoritm. And I failed.
But I also remember at least two of the interviewers telling me they don't know git and FreeBSD, or don't knowing the difference between a log-shipping replication and a streaming one.
I tend to prefer to know a little about a lot of things, so to be able to choose the right tool at the right moment (and improve my skills on demand), rather than knowing a single tool/paradigm very well.

So I don't see the aim of having an online competition on alghoritms, or even asking anymore alghoritms (except if your business is based on those). Rather, I strongly believe that being able to prove you collaborated in FLOSS projects, have pushed changes and commits to real code makes you resume stronger.

The article About programming competitions and selections has been posted by Luca Ferrari on March 16, 2015