I attended the Euro BSD 2013 in Malta, on the last week of September.

The conference was a great mix of technical and social knowledge and represents a great opportunity to meet, talk and learn directly from the /Unix-gods/ of any time and nation. For instance, I was sitting near the legendary McKusick while listening the great Theo De Raadt during his keynote about the time_t overflow problem.

I had the great opportunity to see and meet people I've only seen as names on mailing lists, and the technical quality of many of the talks was really good. Several talks were related to the [[http://www.openbsd.org][OpenBSD]] project, and I have to say I'm every day more interested in this project more for its policy than for its technology; but this is another story.

I had nothing but good words to say about the event and the organization, and definetely was worth being there.
I had also the opportunity to visit (again) Malta, which is a very nice place to be and to spend a few days.

The article Room Number 621: EuroBSDCon! has been posted by Luca Ferrari on November 9, 2013