Perl Weekly Challenge 276: filtering arrays

This post presents my solutions to the Perl Weekly Challenge 276.
I keep doing the Perl Weekly Challenge in order to mantain my coding skills in good shape, as well as in order to learn new things, with particular regard to Raku, a language that I love.
This week, I solved the following tasks:
The PL/Perl implementations are very similar to a pure Perl implementation, even if the PostgreSQL environment could involve some more constraints. Similarly, the PL/PgSQL implementations help me keeping my PostgreSQL programming skills in good shape.

Raku Implementations

PWC 276 - Task 1 - Raku Implementation

The first task was about finding all the couples of a given list of integers so that the sum of every couple is a multiple of 24 (hours). This can be solved with a one line.

sub MAIN( *@hours where { @hours.elems == @hours.grep( * ~~ Int ) } ) {
    @hours.combinations( 2 ).grep( { ( $_[ 0 ] + $_[ 1 ] ) %% 24 } ).say;

The combinations( 2 ) provides me all the possible combinations of two elements, therefore a couple, and then I keep by means of grep only thos that have a sum that is a multiple of 24.

PWC 276 - Task 2 - Raku Implementation

Given an array of integers, tell how many elements have the same max frequency.

sub MAIN( *@nums where { @nums.elems == @nums.grep( { $_ ~~ Int && $_ > 0 } ).elems } ) {
    my %frequency;
    %frequency{ @nums.grep( * ~~ $_ ).elems }.push: $_ for @nums;
    %frequency{ %frequency.keys.max }.unique.elems.say;

First of all, I classify the %frequency of every element, then extract the max value of the keys (frequency), pass thru unique to exclude duplicates, and count the number of elems.

PL/Perl Implementations

PWC 276 - Task 1 - PL/Perl Implementation

I need to use an external module Algorithm::Combinatorics, so the implementation must be done in plperlu.

pwc276.task1_plperl( int[] )
   use Algorithm::Combinatorics qw/ combinations /;

   my ( $hours ) = @_;
   my $iterator = combinations( \ $hours->@*, 2 );
   while( my $c = $iterator->next ) {
   	  return_next( $c ) if ( ( $c->@[ 0 ] + $c->@[ 1 ] ) % 24 == 0 );

   return undef;

LANGUAGE plperlu;

I return every couple of the combinations that satisfies the 24 sum multiple.

PWC 276 - Task 2 - PL/Perl Implementation

The approach is the same as in Raku, only more verbose.

pwc276.task2_plperl( int[] )

   my ( $nums ) = @_;
   die "Need only positives" if ( grep { $_ <= 0 } $nums->@* );

   my $frequency = {};
   for my $current ( $nums->@* ) {
       my $count = scalar grep { $_ == $current } $nums->@*;
       push $frequency->{ $count }->@*, $current if ( ! grep { $_ == $current } $frequency->{ $count }->@* );

   my $max_frequency = ( sort( { $b <=> $a } keys $frequency->%* ) )[ 0 ];
   return scalar $frequency->{ $max_frequency }->@*;

LANGUAGE plperl;

First I build the $frequency hash with the frequencies as keys and the list of unique elements as the values. Then I compute the $max_frequency using sort and limiting the number of results, and last I compute how many elements appear with such frequency.

PostgreSQL Implementations

PWC 276 - Task 1 - PL/PgSQL Implementation

A single query does suffice!

pwc276.task1_plpgsql( hours int[] )
RETURNS TABLE( l int, r int )

   WITH elems AS ( SELECT v::int, row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY v ) AS r
                   FROM unnest( hours ) v

   SELECT l.v::int, r.v::int
   FROM elems l, elems r
   WHERE mod( ( l.v::int + r.v::int ), 24 ) = 0
   AND   l.r < r. r


The idea is to produce a materialization of the array elements with a row numbering, so that I can join the materialization against itself and get only those pairs that produce a modulo 24 value assuming the row number of one is greater than the other (to skip self-sums).

PWC 276 - Task 2 - PL/PgSQL Implementation

Again, a single query!

pwc276.task2_plpgsql( nums int[] )
   WITH freq AS (
   	SELECT count( v ) as frequency, v
   	FROM unnest( nums ) v
   	GROUP BY v
   , max_freq AS ( SELECT frequency FROM freq
                   ORDER BY 1 DESC
		   LIMIT 1
	SELECT count( f )
	FROM   freq f
	WHERE f.frequency = ( SELECT frequency FROM max_freq )


First I materialize the freq list of frequency and values. Then, on top this, I build the max_freq present in the above list. Last, I count how many rows I have for the the max_freq.

Java Implementations

PWC 276 - Task 1 - PostgreSQL PL/Java Implementation

A boring nested loop to solve this.

   public static final String[] task1_pljava( int[] hours ) throws SQLException {
		logger.log( Level.INFO, "Entering pwc276.task1_pljava" );

		List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>();
		for ( int i = 0; i < hours.length - 1; i++ )
		    for ( int j = i + 1; j < hours.length; j++ )
			if ( ( hours[ i ] + hours[ j ] ) % 24 == 0 )
			    result.add( String.format( "%02d + %02d", hours[ i ], hours[ j ] ) );

		return result.toArray( new String[ 0 ] );

I return a String[] just to avoid the cluttering of implementing a complex ResultProvider.

PWC 276 - Task 2 - PostgreSQL PL/Java Implementation

Using the Stream API this can be solved in a more compact way.

    public static final int task2_pljava( int[] nums ) throws SQLException {
		logger.log( Level.INFO, "Entering pwc276.task2_pljava" );

		final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> frequency = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(); nums )
		    .forEach( v -> {
			    int freq = (int) nums ).filter( k -> k == v ).count();
			    frequency.putIfAbsent( freq, new LinkedList<Integer>() );
			    if ( ! frequency.get( freq ).contains( v ) )
				 frequency.get( freq ).add( v );
			} );

		final int[] max = new int[]{ 0, 0 };
		// find out the max frequency
		frequency.keySet().stream().forEach( k -> {
			if ( k > max[ 0 ] ) {
			    max[ 0 ] = k;
			    max[ 1 ] = frequency.get( k ).size();
		    } );

		return max[ 1 ];

The first iteration with forEach is done to map into frequency the frequency found and the list of values that have such frequency. The second forEach is done over the keys of the Map (i.e., the frequencies) to find the greatest one and store into max, along with the length of the values.

Python Implementations

PWC 276 - Task 1 - Python Implementation

Thanks to itertools this can be solved in one line (or so).

import sys
from itertools import combinations

# task implementation
# the return value will be printed
def task_1( args ):
    hours = list( map( int, args ) )
    return list( filter( lambda v: ( v[ 0 ] + v[ 1 ] ) % 24 == 0,  list( combinations( hours, 2 ) ) ) )

# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print( task_1( sys.argv[ 1: ] ) )

PWC 276 - Task 2 - Python Implementation

The implementation is really similar to the PL/Perl one, except that I keep track of the max frequency while iterating to avoid a filtering on the dictionary keys.

import sys

# task implementation
# the return value will be printed
def task_2( args ):
    nums      = list( map( int, args ) )
    frequency = {}
    max_freq  = 0

    for x in nums:
        freq = len( list( filter( lambda v: v == x, nums ) ) )
        if freq > max_freq:
            max_freq = freq

        if not freq in frequency:
            frequency[ freq ] = []

        if not x in frequency[ freq ]:
            frequency[ freq ].append( x )

    return len( frequency[ max_freq ] )

# invoke the main without the command itself
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print( task_2( sys.argv[ 1: ] ) )

The article Perl Weekly Challenge 276: filtering arrays has been posted by Luca Ferrari on July 3, 2024